Mar 22, 2005 23:46
I had to call out for tomorrow at work. I hate to do that, esp because I need the money. AND esp since I just saw that I overdrew my checking account by $60. I put in that money today, but that doesn't even begin to cover all the fees that will be tacked onto my account tomorrow. I pretty much have to call them and beg for them to waive them, since I have never done this with this account. If they dont waive them It will be like $180 in fees. I will cry, because then I won't have money to make my car payment. This sucks. I couldn't even get my meds today, my mother had to get them. It cost $45 for two Rx's. CoPays are off the hook now. I remember when it was $5 and $10. Healthcare and Rx plans are a joke these days.
So yeah I couldn't afford to call in tomorrow. It was also my first shift off orientation, go me. I don't think they'd want me in there anyway if they saw me, or heard me and what I sound like, but still.
I need to hit the lottery. Anyone wanna donate money to my I am poor fund? I need a stable job that pays me for these sick days.
I am having hotflashes. I think I am getting a fever again.
Just as long as I am all better by May for my Sarah escapade, life will be good.
Speaking of Sarah. I had the most incredibly odd dream about her. It took place in a small theatre where she was performing. The light went off, and then all you saw was the spotlight on stage with a midget that looked exactly like sarah beginning to play Angel on piano. A midget?! Sarah was a midget in my dream. Then right before the first verse started, Sarah walks out on stage and begins laughing. Why am I dreaming about midgets?
Anyway, I need to hack up somemore lung....