[Hetalia Fanfic] Fill the Void - Chapter 1

Mar 14, 2011 09:44

Title: Fill the Void

Character(s) or Pairing(s): [Begins very Nordic-Centric before becoming Iceland-Centric] Icelend, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, & Peter [England, France, America & Canada as very minor characters] DenNor, SuFin, NorIce

Rating: T

Warnings: Mr. Puffin's language.

Names: I use human names. There's a little guide every time for what I use for Denmark, Norway, and Iceland.

Chapter Specific Warning: Short Chapter is short. They get a lot longer after this one. Also, this story was initially written not to be split up in to chapters... so this will be interesting.

Summary: Every story has to start somewhere...

Human Names:
Denmark = Mathias
Norway = Sigurd
Iceland = Jokull

Jokull collapsed against a tree and slowly slid down the bark until he was seated on the ground. Mr. Puffin leapt off his head and flew in a circle before alighting down beside him.

“What now punk?”

Jokull turned to glower at the small bird.

“You’re lucky I don’t tape your beak shut.”

“Like hell you would.”

Jokull bit back another insult and rubbed his forehead.

“Hey! Pay attention to me when I’m talking to you, punk!”

Jokull continued to ignore the bird, instead opting to pull his knees up against himself and bury his face in them. Much to his dismay, the bird couldn’t take a hint and soon he felt its beak hammering into the back of his skull. It took a few tries, but he eventually managed to swat the bird off.


Jokull sighed, “What do you want?”

“How much longer ‘till we get there?”

“I’m not sure. I can see the bridge from here so, maybe another hour or so?”

Mr. Puffin hopped around indignantly.

“I’m tired of this!”

Jokull’s head shot up and he glared dangerously at the bird. Mr. Puffin flinched and took a step back.

“I didn’t ask you to come. And I certainly didn’t ask for you to complain this whole time. If you’re tired, then by all means, flap you wings and go home. I don’t need you!”

Jokull stood up quickly before stomping off towards the bridge. Mr. Puffin hoped a few tentative steps towards him.

“J-Jokull, I-” Jokull whirled around to face him.

“Go home! I don’t want to see your face! I’m fine on my own!”

They locked eyes for a moment before Mr. Puffin turned and took off into the air. When he was almost out of earshot, he turned back to look at the boy and called out to him.

“No Jokull. No you aren’t.”

Jokull hurled a stone at the bird, barely missing its right wing.

“Maybe not, but I will be soon.”

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