Dec 22, 2006 21:41

Presents for sharkina, ibelonginnarnia, eowyn_rus, xeyra, savepureness, and ryunutsi at my graphics journal! ♥

Does anyone know why Christmas came about and why we celebrate it?
It started in a stable with Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus.
Joseph had looked around for a place to stay because Mary was pregnant, but no one could give them room. A man finally let them stay in his stable and Mary had Jesus.
Angels had gone to some shepherds and told them where to find the baby and they also sang:
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
- Luke 2:4-16

If Jesus hadn't been born, there would have been no Christmas, no reason to share presents, no reason to say anything nice to anyone.

ibelonginnarnia had quoted this and I am posting it too:

[quote]...the real Christmas is Jesus.

Can you imagine? Jesus left Heaven. Did you get that? HEAVEN. He left Heaven to come to an imperfect world. He was born in the lowest of accommodations - a stable. And His first cradle? It was a manger. You know - that thing that animals eat out of? He deserved to be born in the greatest palace on earth. Instead, He humbled Himself. That baby boy born on Christmas morning was born to die. He came to die for the sins of the world. For my sins.

The weight of my sins alone on His shoulders as He approached the cross must have been unbearable.

Love truly did come down at Christmastime. And I’m so thankful. If not for Christ? I would be living each new day as a dead man. Life - true Life, comes from Jesus. So what was the greatest Christmas present? A tie? No. The greatest Christmas present was a baby. A baby boy named Jesus.[/quote]

I hope you all have an AWESOME Christmas! ♥ *hugs flist*
I shall be gone from Sunday to sometime in January, staying at my Grandma's house for the Holidays.
Please pray for my Grandma because she has the Shingles (a reactivation of the chickenpox virus). It is extremely painful illness, but she is one tough lady and a real trooper.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

jesus, christmas

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