Le Tired

Oct 28, 2008 18:30

I had a blast at the Harvest Festival! I got to help decorate the barn and we even made two scarecrows lol, one of them looked like he was having issues. :P I missed seeing everyone and it was even harder leaving them this time!! o.O I'm almost afraid I'll never see them again cause they'll be done with school next May and disperse back to their homes and find jobs, etc.

Sorry for the lack of posts and responses. I've been busy with schoolwork, typography has been very fun and I've had lots of projects to do. Plus I had missed two days going to the Harvest Fest so I've been trying to catch up. I've been lacking good sleep and so I'm not completely well like I should be. =/ I'm loving school though, and my teacher is really nice about my behind somewhat behind. :D The students are really cool too, though sometimes they are a bit loud. Lol.

Aaaah, sleep. Someday.

school, harvest festival, friends

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