Mercury in retrograde

Jan 27, 2009 15:29

The Mercury retrograde this time has been horrendous on Geminis and Virgos in particular and I am serious that this is serious!  All my emails, personal and work, have been wonky, messages have been mixed up and not delivered at all in some cases, and this retrograde is just playing havoc with everything.  Fortunately it will only last until the end of this week and goes direct on February 1st.  I could not even count the number of things that have been screwed up since January 11th.  My last post about going to Doc's Gumbo Grill?  Well, I got there -- 24 hours too late.  My email showed it was sent Thursday morning, I got it and replied on Thursday.  The email had actually been sent on Wednesday morning, and when I replied on Thursday, Andrea didn't get it because she was off that day, so there was no one to tell me I was going on the wrong damned day.  Missed or confused appointments, filings coming on the wrong day or not at all, it has even affected work, so I know I am not the only one.  It just seems to have been much MUCH more intense this time.
I got my new Bruce CD, Working on a Dream in the mail today.  meadow was kind enough to send me a link to www. which was playing the whole CD yesterday, the day before its actual release.  I like it, really, everything except the first song about an outlaw baby who had done three months in county jail before he was six months old.  What the hell was Bruce smoking when he wrote THAT one??  I have also discovered that in addition to playing half-time at the SuperBowl this Sunday, Bruce is playing some kind of show in May at the Charlottesville, VA campus of UVA.  Tickets go on sale next Monday, so I don't know how much they are, but I think I would really like to go.  I would not mind the six hour drive to see him again.  More details as they become available.

mercury retrograde

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