IN WHICH: the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan

May 26, 2010 23:21

My mac crashed. No, really.

I've lost: 
  1. Three year's worth of college work. Including, but not limited to: term papers, magazine articles, an entire portfolio of published work, pages, and pages, and pages, and pages of work. 
  2. 2,479 songs in 49 different languages divided among 314 artists, 129 albums, and 39 genres. My iPod still has these songs, but this is a treasure that I've gathered over many, many years. Included what has to be the greatest compilation ever (Nina Simone), an awesome track for my six-mile runs every day (AC/DC, baby, AC/DC), and Bon Jovi for shits and giggles. 
  3. All the data from my thesis that I carefully reformatted to fit journal format (you try labeling seventeen gels using Preview. YOU JUST TRY.) 
  4. Pictures of home, friends, and places. 
Oh, and: 13 chapters of "In Good Company," 4 chapters of "A life Interrupted," and some of my original work.

Because I think I'm the shit and don't back-up as frequently as I should. I.e., the last time I backed up my hard drive was three years ago, when I got my mac to begin with.

I swear, I'm not making this shit up.

I'm trying to find directions to the closest Benjamin Moore supplier (backstory: I recently moved, and all the walls look awful, so I'm painting over just about everything.) My Mac slows down, and then gives me a black screen with the ominous message: You need to restart your computer now. So I do.

Only, when I turn my laptop back on again, I get this big grey screen with a question mark, blinking, blinking, blinking away at me. I think: Not good. I take it to an apple store, and it turns out? My hard drive has completely crashed. A god-awful, irreparable, ill-timed, and monumental crash that wiped out every inch of data. The only people who can recover my data is a company that charges a couple grand for each case. 


life (read: wtf)

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