oh, dear lord

Jun 28, 2008 19:18

Right now, I'm thinking, "Omfg, look how big this crapstorm I created is." Here is why:

  1. My website is down.

  2. I am moving tomorrow. Which would be entirely unimportant to you guys, but guess what. I won't have internet access in my new home until July 8. The only access, if I do get any, will be at the library or at Starbucks. (And since I am penniless, I won't be drinking Starbucks coffee anymore. Only Dunkin' Donuts. So that leaves the library. I shit you not.)

  3. Six of you already emailed me asking me to send you the chapters. Since there about twenty-eight chapters in The Bridge alone, and there are six of you. The math is: 6 x 28 = 168 documents to send. Is that going to happen any time soon? No.

  4. I will probably end up uplading everything onto fanfic sometime in the future if I can get off my lazy behind. In the meantime, feel free to pester me.

I also just got transferred in my intern so I have to learn an entirely new skill set by Thursday, not to mention that I just took an examination to get my license as a public health professional...The exam started at 9:10 and ended at 6:30. Most of it was waiting, and by the end I came away with my nerves fried.

Also, how am I supposed to survive with no internet or TV? I figured it out, people: Write. A buttload.

Abyssus will be making redone completely. It's going to be called "The Innocents," and I might be changing its POV. I will hopefully be done with a lot of A Life Interrupted.

I also want to write a new story...don't have an idea or anything. But it's a noble idea, I think.

Oh, dear, dear lord.

um....yah, life (read: wtf), trashtalkin'

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