May 29, 2006 23:12
I hate mellow moments because you tend to think to much.
Everwood is ending forever and I'm crushed. I hate the WB. I started crying today while watching the show. I know its stupid that I'm upset over some show but no one can really understand the reasons behind it even if I do explain myself. This show was my mom's and my show. THis is the thing we looked forward to every day. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have even watched the show. After she died, Everwood played some things on Colin because he did end up dying, just like she said he would. It helped me so much to get on with life and to look toward something new, even if it isn't real. Now that I'm closing a chapter of my life here in my home and pursuing a new future of my own, the last thing I need is Everwood ending forever too. Its like they said in the show, its like leaving a friend you have known your whole life and how exactly do you say goodbye to someone like that? Everwood has impacted me in a way that I never thought could happen. Who said I wanted to say goodbye?
I am very sad now and I miss my mom. Thanks alot WB.
On the happier things, I'm going to St. Augustine tomorrow with a manager friend named Amanda. We are going to the Alligator Farm, my lighthouse (ee!!!), and Ripleys. Plus, we are going shopping. Tomorrow is going to be fun. So I hope anyways.