Mar 09, 2005 14:54
My 4 hour class was canceled which gives me a lot more time to study. I just slept for an hour and it was nice.
Rosa called me to close the bar. I wish I didn't have class tonight. I could use the cash a lot.
I'm off work on friday and I should pick up a shift, but I already picked up on saturday. I think I'll use the day to buy sweet ass birthday gifts for tayzia and rosa. I need money. Boy do I need money.
Speaking of money, I opened my savings account. Yay. The lady asked me if I wanted to connect it to my debit card. I said yes and two seconds later I flipped out and changed my mind. I would sooo spend it if I had easy access to it like that. I'm going to buy a house. Yes I am. I have one tenth of the down payment so far. I just have to keep up with being a smart saver.
I stopped buying scratch offs pretty much. I buy about 2 or three a week. I'd go through withdrawal if I completely cut them out of my life. I'm doing just fine though.
Okay. I need to study now. Wow. I am really super nerd this semester. Love me.