Nov 15, 2006 22:10
Well, it's over for the year. And I am not at all worried since I breezed through the assignments and exams pretty much in the end.
I guess it's time to locate that old Diablo II gamedisc and start playing that again. Maybe go and finish the Lufia II on Snes emulator and restart the star game.
Until my scholarship and Summer studentship applications come back, there isn't much to do:
Clean the roof drains, mow the lawns,
Upgrade my Celeron 1.7 gHz to something less crappy thanks to my 2nd sister's donation of their Pentium (their family is switching to Macs), so I can watch Code Geass GG gg fansubs without the screen jumping around like a Cirque du Soleil acrobat.
Remember to pick up someone at the airport in December. (Note to self, don't eat breakfast before-hand)
Learn to lurch and insist on being called "Igor" when my summer-studentship starts. Also, lisp. If Jarrod gets annoyed, even better.
(e.g. "Yeth Mathter!", "I will connect the phamentar to the lighting rod thtraight away, Mathter.")
At somepoint, try to order a PizzaHut pizza for the support of the Rebellion ^_^. It might taste horrible compared to La Porchetta, but someone has to for the sake of the ladies of Code Geass, like CC.
Watch more Black Lagoon.
Watch DeathNote. Maybe.
******Okay, maybe there is quite a lot to do. But the day is young. And next year, I have genetic manipulations to look forward to. ^_^_^_^