It's been a while... But I still haven't got anything worthwhile to write about...
How about this: Sometimes the fan community could have far too much fun... But I guess that's what they are good for.
Shingetsutan Tsukihime & G'Seed fans intersect? What do you know...
My favourite moment was when Neko-Arc-chan transformed into Arcueid Brunestud, Aegis Gundam style. Ciel as Strike? With the Nero 'Chaos' Crow as Tori? How did they make her '7th Scripture' dance like that! And the maids... Filling the poor Satsuki Yumizuka with daggers like a Gundam would a Ginn is really making me feel sorry for her... But don't worry, Satsuki might be a young vampire, but she's tough!
The launching sequence screen changing into a curry menu... Man, they are on something illigal.
If only I have the real opening to compare to... It's been so long ago.
It's worth seeing Tsukihime just so you could understand the jokes on the website. It's still a bit weird to realise how over-powered those characters are, even for anime standards... (nevermind the game version... They really toned down the fire power in the Anime.)