I went to see BODIES...The Exhibition last weekend and it was very interesting. Real bodies were used and if I remember correctly they used a process to remove any and all forms of water and replaced it with silicon. This prevents decay and hardens the the body parts.
It was strange to look at these bodies and think that they looked fake but realize they look fake because I've always seen fake - so suddenly seeing REAL was different. It was also kind of strange to see these skinless (for the most part) bodies engaging in sporting events. There were alot of bodies and I completely forget how many bodies were needed for the entire exhibit but it was huge - there had to be several hundred at the least.
There was a room where they just showed veins, capillaries and arteries. The process for this room was quite amazing. First the veins, cappillaries and arteries were injected with a plastic polymer and then the rest of the body was basically disolved in chemicals so the form of the body was intact. It was really cool. The room was kept dark and the "bodies" were in water and lit from below.
Another room that was particularly interesting was the fetal development room. There was a disclaimer before entering this room with the option to skip it. I'm very glad I went in as it was incredible. They displayed the development of the fetus from 1 week to 9 months. It was amazing to see something so small yet have such phenomenal detail. Seeing all 10 toes on something that could fit on my thumb was breathtaking.
At the end of the exhibit you have the option to touch an organ to see what it feels like. It feels weird but it actually felt exactly like silicone. (I know this because I had a silicone wrist guard where the cloth peeled off and i used to play with the silicone)
If you have a chance - go to this. You will not regret it.