Mar 01, 2005 14:43
So yea about that interesting monday i posted about yesterday. It did turn out to be one of those just not in the way i ever excepted. I am now single again... and yes my heart is broken and i am still in love with him but... now more then ever i have a sense that i'll be ok. I've done this many times before and even though the process isn't any easier i know how to deal with it which makes it somewhat easier. He doesn't know what a good thing he just lost...and all my friends up here agree. He still has a lot to learn and one day he will see how good of a thing we had. The "honeymoon" stage was over and he just wasn't ready to put the effort in to keeping what we had. But he is 20 years old... and has a lot of growing left to do. I do too but i was ready for a serious relationship and he wasn't. I still cry myself to sleep and thoughts of him just make me want to ball up and just drift away...but it was the best break up i've ever had....omg it hurts sooo bad.
Good friends are the most awsome people in the world. I still am able to see value in myself. I am just going to keep myself busy and around people who i know give a shit about me. Being alone would be destructive.... i will hea. I just need time but i am deffinatly off the dating scene for a while