Blood Lad surprised me a bit with it's entertainment. The manipulation in it is really not my style, however the entertainment makes up for it, which is more then enough.
Gatchaman... to tell the truth, I'm watching the character of Tachibana Sugane more then the main. I know this is a group, but usually the focus should be on Hajime - whom I began to watch with neutral feelings. For a rookie to have luck, that's one thing, but if we have a rookie, who does not need to grow, cause she hits everything with the perfect answer right away, well, I call that boring.
The series hits some good points, how internet, and virtual chatrooms affect our social life, but the coat is a bit abstract. The lost sheep~.... - apologies - child thing was already done in popular series Sailor Moon and Digimon with a higher fanbase. Next to the anime being abstract I'm not sure if it'll be a hit. But then again, I shouldn't be the one to worry about that.