Watched the first 2 episodes of the new series Cape... Am I the only one who found it laughable? I mean the guy actually gets trained to be a circus-artist, and he is so slow in getting good. Till the 2nd episode he doesn't even have a mask, but still says exited "nobody should know that I'm alive, or my family will be in danger!!!" Well, Pal if you think so, why don't you HIDE it?!?
And my brother is right. This is only good for the side characters joke lines. And that was it. Not much reason to watch longer.
Also, I could finish the book I got from Sol on my birthday, called Midnight by J. Goldenlane. This is a vampire story, and while most of the time the main characters personality irritated me to Hell, I liked some of the ideas.
For example how vampires here are dead by day-time. Everyone who sees them only sees a corpse, in the same way day died - and raveled.
Also one vampire says, that they are not interested in blood cause it's blood, but because it holds life. So basically they suck the life out of humans.
Could also make the chocolate muffins I'll give my collages tomorrow.
Still can't get away from Lafangey Parindey. Really can only rec it to anyone!!!
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