As the first on my list to watch from the dvd bunch I bought yesterday I watched Beyond Borders with Angelina Jolie & Clive Owen.
The summary says:
While attending a fund raising gala, Sarah Jordan (Jolie), a naive, married American socialite living in England, witnesses a fiery plea delivered by an intruder- a renegade humanitarian, Dr. Nick Callahan (Owen). His plea made on behalf of impoverished children under his care, turns Sarah's life upside down. Attracted to Nick's cause, she impulsively abandons her sheltered life in England to work alongside him in his effort to aid the refugee camps...
The film is actually good till her first visit in Ethiopia. The circumstances are shown quite realistic:
- The young mother with her boy, who could be the next lunch for a vulture
- the op without anesthesia
- the soldiers taking the food needed for the starving people by force
- the politicians only caring about the life of these people, only how to get money out of business
- the resourcefulness of the group wanting to save the people
- even the unfeeling doctor, who needs to shacked by Sarah to remember why he is there
Sadly Sarah only stays for a few days, and then goes back to her everyday life in London. We only see her 4 years later, already mother of a boy, and struggling with her unemployed husband, who has an affair.
In this situation nothing holds her back, to see Nick again, and when one of their friends asks her to take a pack to him to Cambodia, she is all to glad to go...
But from here this seems like her only reason for being interested in going is only cause of the doctor, with whom she jumps into bed with at the first moment they have a bed. After though, Nick leaves, saying she belongs with her family.
Another 6 year jump, now she also has a daughter - we all know from whom - living with her husband and family and all at once she remembers him again, and wants to know where he is. He is in Chechnya, being held as a prisoner, so she goes to save him. But while their escape she steps on a pressure mine, and explodes with him watching...
Though the film I had WTF feeling many-many times, but the end... *shakes head*
Also, while the film focuses mostly on Sarah, I had question marks around my head with Nick's motives. I mean it's one thing that they don't have any money by the first camp, saying "then we'll start somewhere else!"... By that I thought, they just find another location in Ethiopia.
But actually they leave the country where they don't have possibilities and go to another~. WHAT kind of saving is that?!?
Not to say, in Cambodia Nick left most of human emotions already behind, making business with CIA, and beat a soldier to a bloody pulp~... So crazy!