Sep 07, 2010 23:13
I still remember that Mel Gibson film, 'What Women Want' where he gets an electric shock, and begins to hear the thoughts of women... Well, 'Sind alle Männer Schweine?' is the reversed German remake.
This time there is a woman getting a shock, and hearing the thoughts of men.
Mel Gibson's chara had a 15 year old girl as daughter, this woman has a 13 year old son.
Also this time the main pair isn't into CM making, but both are lawyers, working on two parts of the same case: a divorce.
Oh, and also one more thing: in Sind alle Männer Schweine? the pair has a pre-story.
What really made me annoyed was how she was really using his thoughts in the case, even after they become a pair, She seems much more ruthless then in the American film the guy was. Sure he had his ego at first, but that pair worked for a common goal!
In the German version she is so full with prejudge, that till the last 5 minutes of the film she uses her ability, only to crash bad on the floor of reality when it turns out that her client was lying.
Moral of the story is that some people are just pigs, no matter if male or female.