Umi Monogatari 2-3

Jul 10, 2009 07:49

Still have some problems with the intro. Some of with the fact that Marin is the center of everything, and some with this yuri vibes I'm getting. Not only from Marin & Kanon, but from Marin's sister too. Sure can be a sis-con, but somehow that doesn't make it feel better.

Ok, so the turtle, Matsumoto arrives... that is quite the appearance! XD

He gets some light from his hat that flies to Marin (where else?) and that is the proof that she is the umi no miko (preast of the sea).

Kanon's reaction is right! Cause this isn't normal at all! X3

LOL for Matsumoto's reaction to Marin's love. XD

After the talk of Matsumoto Marin's sister, Urin let out some evil. Sedona has the ability to turn the light into dark. The mission of Marin is to fight this evil, and his followers, or the light of sea and the sky both will turn into darkness.

But to seel this part of the evil she will need the help of sora no miko. Have a guess who that could be?

As it should come, Kanon is attacked for her aura, and the hentai women wants to suck it out of her to give it to her Sedona-sama. Naturally Maron wants to help her new friend. Yeah, right. A change is needed if you're a miko. And these are the kind of clothes a shrine maiden would wear. Naruhodo~

Marin uses water to fight... or more like manipulates water that is around the ground (puddle).

Matsumoto's hat shines again, and the red stone flies to Kanon.

Seeing Marin getting hurt isn't something she can by-pass, and so she changes...

Whie Marin has it easy enough with puddles all around, but for Kanon's attack fire is needed. And the turtle Matsumoto is the one who spits a fire ball for her to manipulate. T___T

As it should come, Marin can't see that someone gets hurt, and helps their enermy. It seems that fire gets the dark from their enermies, and then Marin has the ability to change them back to their original forms. After seeing the enermy once, you can already guess what type of thing it is.


In the third part by some miracle - Kanon's mom Marin and her sister begin to live in her house.

They have some cute reaction about a bath ("there is a little sea inside the house!" X3), though Kanon isn't overjoyed.

Marin and Urin help out Kanon by her part-time job: fortunetelling. But Kanon's dark aura isn't a good bait to get customers. XD

And so they meet a girl, Suzuki, who wants to be friends with Kanon, after knowing that her evil aura comes together with the fact, that she always did the jobs nobody wanted to do.

But Kanon always talks herself out from going out, and so they can't get to know eachother better.

Can you guess what the enermy is this time?

While at first Kanon escapes, but then she comes back to help and fight. She even accepts to become a miko: everything to get friends. AWW.

After Kanon's attack Marin is there to change them back...

Don't know why but these faces make me smile... or more like laugh. XD

umi monogatari, *caps, anime

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