Jan 24, 2018 20:45
There are still quite a few episodes I plan to go though from the winter anime season, but I don't feel much motivation. Probably because there is nothing much that I would want to watch on the long run.
Also, because the vet came again today, didn't have much time to check any. Wendy and Vándor are covered, Uno still needs 2 shots, but he seems to handle everything bravely. In between Vándor got an allergy - probably chicken - so we put her on a really fancy (= expensive) diet.
One thing though that I wanted to report on. The 2nd season of Overlord started with an overload of new characters. From all these, the lizard-people became the focus in the 2nd and 3rd episode. There is a lonely warrior, who begins to gather the neighbour clans to fight of an enemy, and meets an albino tribe leader whom he falls for... Their interaction is probably the most funny thing I have seen this season. It's so cute and fun!