Jan 08, 2009 12:12
- 12:31 naming photos... #
- 14:04 this days is going to quickly... im not getting enough done fast enough #
- 16:05 finally got the gallery info emailed... now onto scanning... #
- 17:16 apparently i clench my jaw while photoshopping... so now it hurts #
- 19:40 mmm gnocchi and garlic bread #
- 22:09 gah, i cant decide #
- 22:29 ok, submitted... i just have an hour and a half to change my mind #
- 22:55 i think i like hot tea more for the ambiance and less for the drinking #
- 23:20 i really dont understand how i've only had my computer for like 2 weeks, and there's already a ton of stuff on my desktop #
- 08:57 dream: picasso teaching me how to print etchings, i was stuck in college in paris, & there were "airships" circa the 1800s flying overhead #
- 09:48 adorable audi commercial www.fubiz.net/blog/index.php?2009/01/06/2572-audi-q5-unboxed #
- 09:53 oh hi steve. no, i wasnt doing anything at all. sure, sit right on top of my arm... #
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