For all the things I want to say but don't want to alienate people who I otherwise like and mostly respect. Also known as - I'm not as left-wing as you, because everything can go too far.
A posted video about when "men lose it" - and mostly it was tennis players taking exception to bad calls. I'm going to make an educated assumption that the two people who both posted it do not participate in sports, and probably never enjoyed sports. Maybe they did, but I'm pretty confident that they don't now.
So, we're just attacking men without understanding the court. I'm not a tennis player, but I am a hockey player. And yes, men do tend to get angry more than women in sports, and I think it's not because they are uncontrolled repositories of rage, I think it has more to do with the fact that women are just used to inequity, they're accustomed to being screwed over in every other area of their lives, and they are conditioned to shut their mouths about it. Me, however, I'm not really one of them - while I'm more than accustomed to being screwed over, I'm not one to save my breath, or at least not in the past. In a perfectly ideal and calm mind, I might say to myself, were I one of those folks angry at a bad call in a professional match, "This is all being video recorded. I can take that footage and make my point to the official in a conducive manner later, who upon seeing their mistake, will become a better referee in the future." At the time, you just want to scream at them, and let's just say I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I've yelled at a ref. So, am I an unhinged man with a vagina, a victim of my emotionally dysregulated adhd brain, or just someone who thinks that women have been repressed long enough? Who really knows, but the point I'm making is, it's not the lone territory of men. And I'm not the only woman who I've witnessed screaming at a ref about a bad call, in fact, I'm not even the worst one.
In my elder years, I've mellowed, I've gained perspective and at the level I play, nothing actually matters except potential injuries (I may still get angry at a lack of action by a ref on an infraction that could cause bodily harm) - but most of us enjoy fairness, and that's what that anger is about, especially when a lot of money is on the line. Do professional female tennis players do it too? I'm not sure and I'm not about to make the effort to go find out, but I'm also not about to criticize the men when I have been in that place, all too many times, where your brain has passed the threshold of rational thought. With the adrenaline already present while playing sports, it's a lot closer to that line than on any other given day. When people say that fighting is a part of the game of hockey, that's what they mean - that you're already full of adrenaline, when you feel attacked you're going to fight and it is physiologically difficult, if not impossible, to stop that reaction. That's not a matter of being an entitled man, it's about being a human with chemicals coursing through your brain.
So, while there are a lot of courts to fight the feminist fight on, this isn't one of them, so lay off the men who "lose it" when they feel attacked and are already full of adrenaline, because one day, you might have a brain full of norepinephrine and you will react as well, perhaps exactly as they do, or perhaps you'll stomp off in flight, but you will do what your brain chemicals tell you to do when they are that abundant.