Dec 16, 2009 09:26
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy:
My fancy today will be tickled by appreciating those who are childless, yet treat my own children (and others!) as if they are not...what's the terminology..."crotch-spawn?"
I can appreciate the fact that some folks are just not into children or feel uncomfortable around them and that's fine. It's the children-haters that get to me. Why people expect children to act like short adults just amazes me...especially when its often these same individuals who act more childish than my three year old. Anyhow, I'm getting into rant-mode when I need to be in appreciation-mode.
Cody and I have been blessed with having friends who actually *gasp* LIKE our children. Not on a "OMG I WANT BAYBEES NOW!" level, but who don't mind being called "Uncle/Aunt so-and-so" and who will interact with them. Friends who we can count on to not let our child wander into the street if we run into another room or just plain don't notice (I'd love to claim we are perfect parents, but alas, it just isn't so). Friends who embrace the fact that its hard for us to find a sitter so we can go out and thus come to us. Love to them.
I must say that, with regards to Chris & Kyle, it probably helps that I'm not a psycho wife and I actually "let" Cody go out pretty often. I may mumble bad words, but he still gets to go. :)
The end.