Aug 29, 2005 13:18
i have to wait till the winter semester for school it sucks pretty bad. my financial aid application didn't go through i guess. so i have no choice but to wait till i can renew it for the next semester which sucks but that just means i can bank up some money before i go to school and get used to my surroundings a little more. not much else is going to at the moment. i talked to jamie last night. it was only for a total of 12 minutes or something like that but it was nice to know she is still alive and all. i did do something good though! i bought a mute kit for my drums so i can play them in my apartment at any time i want too, it's gonna be so much more fun then sitting around doing nothing. i started 40 hours a week at work this week. i have a key to the store and everything, it's official now i'm a manager. scary huh? i guess we will see how this one pans out, i actually kinda like this job though, everybody is really cool so far. and the job is something i know i can do and i can do it well so that kinda helps. i don't think 40 hours there a week is gonna be that bad. when school starts in the winter though it's probably gonna suck. oh well i gotta do what i gotta do no questions. my time will come for school in the winter i guess it just wasn't time for me to do it yet. perhaps i'm supposed to work for a bit before hand. or maybe i just should have gotten my financial aid application done a long ass time ago. such is life i suppose. sorry for the boring entry this time but really nothing is going on.