Realizations - 2/6/04:

Feb 06, 2005 23:36

1. Milton in Office Space is that old boss from NewsRadio! It probably took me waaay too long to figure that one out. Better acting than I would expect from that guy, for some reason...I don't know why I say that exactly.

2. Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite was the weird, long-haired, silent guy who lived in the closet in the 80's movie Real Genius starring Val Kilmer (one of the best stupid stupid movies of all time).

3. The guy who plays Oswald on The Drew Carrey Show is Rex in Napoleon Dynamite (and funny enough, also in Office Space...of course). That one didn't take me as long to figure out but it didn't hit me RIGHT AWAY either.

4. Summer Wheatley in Napoleon Dynamite is Hilary Duff's older sister. That's probably common knowledge by now though, as the credits give it away.
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