"The Terror of Titty Town" written up in the SF Weekly!

Jul 10, 2008 10:00

*I am so happy that we got a write-up in the SF Weekly!*

If You Must Increase Your Bust, Beware of Demonic Implants

1930s cult film The Terror of Tiny Town is infamous as the world’s first (and probably only) all-midget Western. But if any cinematic treat could top a posse of little people with chaps and lassos, it may be The Terror of Titty Town - a “gore-rific, demented, sinfully sexy short” by Lux-Killmore Entertainment (aka Dottie Lux & Val Killmore) that makes its S.F. premiere tonight. Other cast members include such local burlesque scene luminaries as Kitten on the Keys, Ruby White, Lady Satan, Miss Bella Trixx, and Scotty the Blue Bunny, with “puppetry and prosthetics” by Dave Haaz-Baroque of Shadow Circus fame. So what’s it all about? Let’s just say that breast implants may be even more dangerous than previously thought - especially when they’re possessed by Satan and demand blood sacrifices across the city of San Francisco. Will these giant breasts threaten more lives than those marauding mammaries in Woody Allen’s Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)? Can they be stopped without resorting to a forced mastectomy? And can you actually call it a “B-movie” with cup sizes like these? Only the most daring (and/or randy) filmgoers will find out. - J.Graham

"Red Hots Burlesque: The Terror of Titty Town"
Date/Time:Fri., July 11, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Price: $5-$10


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