Oct 29, 2009 03:28

STRESSSSSSSSS. Whyyyyyyyy sooooo much woooooooork aaaallllll of a suuuuuuuuuuudden? Dieeeeeeee. Can't wait for the weeeeeeeekend. But even the weekend is causing me stress cuz Halloween is Saturday and I still needa put something together for that. GWUUUUH.

And I'm bummed that my new TV came in the mail yesterday, but I can't play with it until I finish all this work. No timeeeeeeeee. My room is a messssssss.


I will survive this week, damnit!

In other news, I think I'm becoming a Papa John's pizza convert.


Damn, I wrote this entry a couple hours ago, but only saved it. I got back from a group meeting at midnight (met from 8-12, gross!) We totally started on this group paper too late (started Monday, due Thursday) and there was a lot more to it than anticipated. Everyone's been good with pullin' their work 'cept this one guy totally did his part wrong! He didn't even make it to the meeting today. We weren't really impressed with what he gave us though, so we were afraid to ask him to redo it hahah. Now I have to do his part of the paper, which I should be doing right now, but here I aaammmm. Gotta get this in by the morrnniinnggg. Uggggh.

Anyways, here're some pics (stolen off of Andrea) from my trip to DC last Friday. Had to go to a museum in order to write my art hist paper!

Outside the NGA, enjoying some coffee and the nice weather.

I came late, so I met up with the four up front in DC. Did I not get the memo that it was twin day?! They didn't even plan this hahah. I just met Katie and Andrea that day. Andrea's a coworker of Ed & Raf, and Katie is a forum member & fan of REGRBL, so this was a small meet up with her :3 Digo met up with us later. Look at him in the background, sad that he did not get the memo either. If only he had been wearing the same thing I was wearing...

Digo & I are doing "in action" poses...?

The Wishing Tree! You write your wish on a piece of paper, stick it on the tree, and if it flies off, your wish comes true! Raf said, "I only make wishes at fountains, thanks." So I wrote down this wish :3

This person wishes for large women...?! hahaha.

We're trying to throw up the "703" (area code) hand sign. Some of us were not sure if we were doing it right, and we all weren't able to throw up gangstuh faces. I look like I'm laughing really hard... or pooping?!

leaving D:

Metro ride home. Raf draws people on the metro.

We watch Raf draw people on the metro.

Shit it's 3:30 AM. I really need to get this paper done now!
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