Mar 29, 2005 09:10
I've heard so many writers explain the difficulty in actually writing but never has it manifested itself so fully in my life. I need to finish my Gilmore Girls spec this week. It's absolutely necessary for my portfolio and I also need to get it out of the way so I can concentrate on a more current TV spec. I hate the idea of penning a spec for The O.C., Lost or Desperate Housewives (the latter two of which I go to great lengths to avoid watching). I might settle on doing a House M.D. spec but the last time I corresponded with David Shore, he was quick to remind me that I hadn't had the time to attend Law School before I wrote my 8-year-old Law & Order spec. So with a TV series that is neck-deep in medical procedures, I might be in over my head.
I love rainy days more than sunny ones. My focus seems to be sharpened whenever it rains. It's like a friendly reminder from nature that certain things need to be completed in crappy ways to get through life.
Not that I care for Awards shows but I'm hoping that Kelly Bishop receives an Emmy nod this year for her role on GG.
And 24 has officially jumped the shark. In the course of 3 episodes, the writers have decided to do away with realism (which is kinda the basis for the show) and completely ignore the principles of dramatic structure. Instead of building the story a little more, they're using cheap suspense hooks to keep the audience -- "Oh, no! Jack is volunteering to go undercover as a hostage for Habib Marwan!" -- "Oh, no! Jack is now a REAL hostage of Habib Marwan!"
And then:
"Oh, whew! We got Jack back but we had to sacrifice the show's credibility and we royally fucked ourselves by writing our heroes into a corner."
In seasons 1 or 2, none of this shit would've happened. There would have been a clearly defined story arc that would've unfolded over 24 episodes. Of course, there would be smaller stories interlaced among the larger picture. Now, it's like the writers are blowing their wads way too early and there's very little continuity between each episode. This is so sad to watch now.