Rome, How you remind me of Ottawa...

May 05, 2005 11:13

Hello from Rome everyone,

Well i seid it is the title, Rome is a lot like ottawa. Just much bigger. So we are now on the 4 day streach until i take the long 9h flight back to wonderful Canada.. How i miss her so. So i have learn a few things while being here, and meet a few friends that i would love to spend time with again, because they in some way or another have now made a big impact on my life. So i will now go down the list.

1: No matter where you go in the world, even if it is breif. People Love Canadians. In Germany while waiting for my plane, i went to go and get a Rum and coke before i hit my flight. Of cousre i had to show that i was of age, so i showed my passport, they treated me like i was royalty, then bitched about the Americans. Even in Italy, when they find out tht you are canadian and not american, they will give you discounts, left right and center, even on £200 hotelrooms. I met a bar owner in Sicily, who loved us so much, he only chaged us a £1 a drink, and i mean that is like wow considering Chris was Drinking Guinness by the pint and me we all know how i love my Fuzzy Navels. I had to teach him how to make them, but it was well worth it. I'm Glad to Be Canadian.

2: McDonalds is Still Horrable not matter where in the World you go. But they have Burger Kings here So it is all good.

3: Italian men love white girls.. *Grin* Chow bella, i would get as they would drive by and honk. Always buts a smile on my face, everytime it happends.

4: The History of this place in amazing, everywhere you go, you see the new with the old. From ruins to monuents. Its always wonderful to see, how there cuture is so diffrent from our own, but the same in so many ways. I do have to thank Christopher though for being so passive, while i stare a a rock for a hour. He still cant understand what i see in that rock, all i say "it's not a rock, it's History"

Last but not least....

5: The Man in Venice. I met a man in venice that i will never forget. He was the Night clerk at the Hotel we stayed at, and i learned so much from him, that he in a big way Changed my life more then i can say. He was the nicest man you would even want to meet in your life. Born in Croatia, lives in Venice, but as he would say his Heart belongs in Tabet. The Moment we met him, he had our heirtages paged right on the dot. It was amazing. One Night, i could not sleep and Chris went up to the room to get some sleep. He told me somthing that i would never forget, and has now forever Changed my life. He put one hand on the top of his head, and the other by his wast and seid "this is your temple. You and i are both Warrior Spirts, until you can find inner Peace, you will not find peace in the world. You will keep fighting becasue that is the only thing you know how to do." He was so right, and i will never in my life forget those words. It makes me Cry ust thinking about it. I want to thank him, in so many ways, because i dont think he knows that he has made that big of a impact on me. I hope that one day, i will be able to talk with him again.
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