Aug 03, 2008 16:08
Huzzah and greetings all!
So.....I have now officially started my RD job, I think. At least I have the perks now. I am almost done moving into my new apartment. It is.....small.....and a boy obviously inhabited it before me. But I have scrubbed the bathroom and am ready to being my new adventure. I start training tomorrow and it lasts until Sunday. Then the RAs move in, and we have to train them. ............I'm a wee bit nervous. But trying to only act excited.
Tomorrow starts with a big breakfast at the local coffee house (Terra Cotta Coffee). So, at least I'll have people to socialize with that aren't related to me. I'm still trying to figure out how my cell phone reception is up here. But, the apartment is nice, and starting to reflect me a bit more. Still no posters/pics on the walls because SOMEONE forgot to pack the stapler. I think I'll blame Bob for it. Though, he did let me bring his PS2 down here with me, so maybe I should be nicer to him.
Anyway, that is the short of it. I'm moved in, and I'm sure lots of TV and alone-time is to follow. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet a cute boy among the RDs.........................