Jul 02, 2007 13:33
so, i know, i know.... i know that every one is pretty sick of my boy talk... but i can't help it that i am boy crazy!
but i am really trying to go slowly and really pick at the boys before i really begin to decide anything about them.
so i have my non-negotiable list... containing 52 characteristics that a man HAS TO HAVE to date me. (cause these things are what i deserve) and i've been told that my standards are too high. and that this guy does not exist. well, i think that those people who think this are wrong! my guy does live and breath somewhere out there... and it is ordained from God that we meet. i just have to be patient on His timing for everything to occur.
but i did meet this one guy in my spanish class. i'm not saying anything about it, he is just a really cool guy that i am dying to learn more about. aimee thinks that i am crushing too hard core over this guy. but that's not how i feel on the inside. i know that i get excited when he calls, to go to class, and to hang out with him... but it's a little above par as compared to my excitement to seeing a friend that i haven't seen in a long time or going somewhere that i love to go to... por ejemplo, the zoo. so i think that aimee is wrong in her assumptions. i know the way i have acted towards boys in the past, but i have learned not to act like that. and i'm not.
but i'm not going to lie, even though i am no where ready to date any guy at this moment, let alone, this boy who is super rad; i would say that i am interested in him. me gusta conquetear un poco con el chico nuevo.
él es guapo y está genial. ojalá que salga con me en septembre. pero me gusta estudiar para la clase de español con lo.
if that made any sense at all. i never claimed that i know spanish. :)
but i just want to sit back and see what happens with this boy.