Nov 29, 2007 19:37
God is doing some amazing things in my life that i just thought i would share!
A)He introduced me to some great new friends. they are so tight with Him that we all just click and it's beautiful and wonderful and splendid and i never want it to change!
B) with these new friends i met an amazing guy. (i know, every guy i meet is amazing) but this one is truly different this time. he makes me question my faith in the best way ever. he encourages me to find (using scripture, of course) to really back myself up in my faith and why i believe what i believe. i love it! we read the Bible almost every time we're together. we don't agree on everything, but we surely are sharpening each other... i think that's our theme or something. i think it was definitely God's plan for us to meet and date. the relationship is really young and new.... and i like where it's going. this time i'm not rushing myself.
C) because of the friends and the boyfriend (all these people i see on an almost daily basis) i am constantly in the Word and really growing. i feel like i'm going through a spiritual growth-spurt. i'm kind of achey and sore.... but i know after the uncomfortable pain, i'll be bigger and stronger. it's pretty cool.
but that's my life right now in a nutshell. growing closer to some friends, further from others (which makes me incredibly sad!) but life is just truckin' along. i am pleased.