I just got back from the movies. Eeeeeeeee! It was absolutely bloody brilliant!!! I couldn't find a single thing to complain about (!) and PJ is more than forgiven for the Faramir incident in TTT.
I went with my Nana, cause Tammy had to work. My Nana really enjoyed it, too. :) We went about an hour and a half early, and there was already about 40 people in the line. But we got seats in the back row, almost in the middle, so I was very happy. And I didn't have to leave to go pee. :D
After TTT, I was a little worried as to what changes would be made. But I can't say that I was unhappy with any of them. They all worked really well, without altering Tolkien's story, so that was cool. There was a few things I'd have liked included (Eowyn & Faramir, the mouth of Sauron, Merry & Pip saving the shire, etc) but oh well.
The start was really good. I never ever would have thought to include that sequence, and the deterioration of Smeagol was done so well.
The bit with Merry & Pip outside Isengard was too cute. As was their song on the table top in Edoras. :D
Arwen is still far too annoying, and I'd have liked to see her leave. :p At least they didn't show too much of her.
Pippin singing... *squees like a fan girly* Billy has a beautiful singing voice. :) (Wonder if we could get him to release an album...?) Is his song on the soundtrack? I haven't got the soundtrack yet.
The paths of the dead was done really well. The dead king reminded me of one of the pirates in POTC.
The Pelenor Fields was well done, too. But the Oliphaunts stamping people and sweeping them away with their tusks was a bit violent for me... :p Yuck.
Denethor gave me the shits. He was a bit of a drama queen, really.
The only time in the whole movie that I wanted to cry was when Frodo sent Sam away. :( That was horrible. *sniff* And Gollum was even more of a nasty little sneak than he was in the book.
Shelob was a bit gross. And so was Frodo's face when Sam pulled the cobwebs off. *shudder* I thought they could have made more use of the star-glass. It was really just a glorified torch in the movie... And the orcs didn't steal Frodo's pants! Bastards! >:)
I thought the journey across Mordor to the volcano was slightly anti-climactic. But I s'pose it would have been a bit boring if they'd dragged it out.
The scene in Sammath Naur was great. Poor Sam. I wanted to hug him about then. And Gollum got what he deserved. Frodo and Sam outrunning the lava stream was a tad unrealistic. Well, even in the book, the whole volcano scene is unrealistic. As if they wouldn't have been hit by falling rock, splashed with lava and choked by ash. *rolls eyes* But, anyway.
The end was all good. Merry & Pip jumping on Frodo's bed was adorable. Sam should have been, too. And Legolas & Sam both looked verrrry nice in that scene. >:) I almost laughed at Aragorn's speech after he was crowned... I don't remember now what he said, but I know I thought it was a bit pathetic and he could've come up with something better than that.
I love the hobbit dude who seems to always be sweeping his front path. He cracks me up. :D And, like I said, I was a little disappointed that nothing had happened to the shire. But I guess the movie would've gone for another hour if they'd included that.
The scene at the Grey Havens was sweet. In a sad way. And when Frodo is standing on the ship, smiling back at Sam, Merry & Pip, he looks SO beautiful. *melts*
There is possibly only one change I would have made to the movie... If it had been up to me, I'd have had the Grey Havens as the final scene. They coulda shown Sam's wife and kiddies before they left. I think the Grey Havens would have been a nicer ending. But anyway.
And I'm slightly confuzzled about 2 things... Firstly... In an interview (ages ago) Dom said something about Merry & Pippin's reunion at Minas Tirith. He said they hug and kiss and blah blah blah... Was he talking about the book there? Because that did not happen in the movie... *looks perplexed* And secondly... I saw a preview on something and they showed Merry holding Pippin's hand and saying, "We will see the Shire again..." or something to that effect. But that wasn't in the movie either... *looks more perplexed* Oh well.
There was probably other things I told myself to remember, but oh well. Next time I'll make notes. :p
Overall, I give it 110 out of 10. :) Now I want a sequel!!! (They could make one up!)
Sunday night they're doing a LOTR movie marathon. *squee* I'm going with Tammy and Roxanne. Finally, I get to see FOTR on the big screen! :) It starts at 9pm Sunday night and goes to 6.30 Monday morning. hee! 9 and a half hours of LOTR!!! I might sleep through TTT... (I still don't like it much.) My parents were horrified that I wanted to see ROTK again in 2 days time. hehe... The more times the better, right? :D
Christmas was pretty cool. Santa was very good to me this year. :) I got just about everything I asked for. :o My coolest pressies were the TTT extended DVD set, LOTR Monopoly and an Evenstar necklace. :) (Yes, I know I hate Arwen. But the Evenstar is very pretty.) I also got books, bath stuff, an oil burner, earrings and the Eowyn action figure.
We didn't do anything much. My grandparents came over for a while, and my aunt and uncle. My cousins, Jared and Mitchell, are such little shits. (They're 11 and 9.) *smacks them around* They do, however, like LOTR. They wanted to play Monopoly. But there was no way I was letting them touch it. I can just see what they woulda done to it. *glares*
And my puppy is nearly 4 weeks old! I can go see her next weekend. :) I think I'm gonna name her Sammie. I'll have to see if it suits her first, though.
Anyways... I think that's about all for today. I'm in such a good mood I might actually finish coding stories tonight. hehe... And I can now start reading journals again, too. :)