Relationship Meme

Apr 13, 2009 13:07

Stolen from

1. Who eats more?
We're pretty even, I think.

2. Who said “I love you” first?
He did.

3. Who is the morning person?
I am so much more a morning person it's almost scary. Though he's waking up early out of habit now.

4. Who sings better?
Me. He doesn't sing well, but the fact he feels comfortable enough to sing around (and to!) me makes my heart melt.

5. Who’s older?
He's 8 years, one month and 18 days older.

6. Who’s smarter?
Definitely depends. I read more than he does at the moment due to being in school, but he's got a great brain.

7. Who’s temper is worse?
We are much like Lauren and Trav. I get pissy about small things, but when Rob gets mad the cats just... cower.

8. Who does the laundry?
We usually do it together. He's doing it alone today since I've got finals coming up and have to start changing out our winter wardrobe for summer.

9. Who does the dishes?
We do it together.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do. I have to sleep on the right side.

11. Who’s feet are bigger?

12. Who’s hair is longer?
Mine, but not by much (at least in back.) I really like his hair short - it looks odd when it gets too long.

13. Who’s better with the computer?
He's best at finding and fixing problems. I'm best at finding information and/or fully utilising programs and the like.

14. Do you have pets?
Two kitties :D

15. Who pays the bills?
Me. I think he forgets about it :P

16. Who cooks dinner?
Me, 95% of the time. But 50% of the time he helps me in some way (even if it's something small, like stirring something while I get another dish ready.

17. Who drives when you are together?
I do - I get car sick easily. He and I switch off on long drives, but even going to San Francisco I drove the vast majority of the time.

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Him - his credit card gives us 3% back at CostCo for restaurant purchases!

19. Who’s the most stubborn?
Most of the time? Me. When it really matters? HIM.

20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Probably me since Rob doesn't tend to insist he's ABSOLUTELY RIGHT like I do >.>

21. Who’s family do you see more?
Mine. I wish we could see his more!

22. Who named your pet?
I suggested Cini and he liked it. And I suggested Ziggy as well.

23. Who kissed who first?
We hugged and kissed at the airport when we saw each other for the first time, so no first or last person.

24. Who asked who out?
Well... he told me he loved me first, so I guess it would be him?

26. Who’s more sensitive?
Me. I'm overly emotional :P

27. Who’s taller?
Me, by about 1/4 inch.

28. Who has more friends?
Since I stole him away from Australia? Me. Prior? about the same.

29. Who has more siblings?
Definitely him. I have one brother and he has two sisters and a brother!


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