Present Tentoo/Rose, G
written for
challenge 006 at
then-theres-us Rose rarely, if ever, went into the spare bedroom in their flat. When she lived alone, it had been used as a place for Mickey or Jake to stay if they'd gone down the pub up the street and couldn't make it home or if they were over so late that it'd just be easier for them to stay. It held a bed, some of Mickey's old clothes he'd left just in case in the closet, and anything Rose had felt the need to keep but wasn't quite sure what to do with.
So when she opened the door to retrieve an album with a photograph her mother had asked for from the closet, she was certainly surprised to find the room full of clutter. The spare dresser's top was covered in old radios, the bed covered in analog clocks and a few of the alarm clocks with the big brass bells on top. The floor was littered with rotary telephones, toasters, a couple of typewriters, and three record players. Half of the things in the room were torn apart, the pieces scattered about, making it hard to walk through the room without crushing them. She huffed out a short breath before calling out in the sweetest voice she could muster. "Oh, Doctor?"
She could hear the smile in his voice as he came down the hall from the living room, calling her name as he looked for her in their room, and then the bathroom, before finding her. When he finally spotted her, his smile fell and he donned the look of a dog that had chewed it's owners shoes and was well aware it was about to be punished. "Yes, darling?" he replied, using a name he'd never called her before, clearly attempting to keep her calm.
The look he was giving her was working wonders to ebb her anger. "Just..." walking into the room as far as she could without stepping on anything, she raised her arms to gesture at the mess, at the entire room, before finishing, sounding a bit tired. "What?"
"Well," he began, drawing the word out, his hand nervously going to the back of his head to scratch at his hair. To his credit, he did appear to feel rather bad about it. "I was building you something, a present."
As much as the mess had her annoyed, and knowing she'd be the one to have to clean it all up eventually, it was a sweet gesture. "Well, that's very nice of you." She turned to smile up at him only to see his teeth clenched together and his gaze focused on the floor. "Doctor?"
He shuffled his feet a bit before finally walking into the room, carefully stepping over things as he went. He'd clearly made a strategic pathway for himself, but his stride was far longer than Rose's. Holding out his hands for her, he helped her make her way to the center of the room before pointing at the corner of the room that couldn't be seen from the doorway. He took a moment to open and shut his mouth a few times before stammering, finally getting brave enough to meet Rose's eyes, guilt written all over his face. "It, uh, sort of," Grabbing her by the shoulders, he gently turned her to face the spot he'd been looking at, drawing her attention to the pile of melted metal, scorched carpet, and the wallpaper blackened and peeling away from the wall. "blew up."