(no subject)

May 16, 2002 22:56

Hmmm... Well there's this cute lil 18yo my friend wants me to meet but the lil bugger hasn't come online yet!

So I'm just sittin here waiting... Friend's prolly going to sleep... He has work tomorrow... ::le Sigh:: So that means I'll get to sleep in at the hotel and then maybe just get online... which is weird cos that's just what I would have done had I just stayed home... But I guess this is ok cos at least I'm getting to spend time with my friend like I haven't been able to for any good amount of time since last August.

In the meantime though I'm just sitting here wishing he had aol instant messenger so I could talk to friends online... oh well...

Weird thing: I'm craving a smoke. This is not good. And I will not give in. I haven't smoked in months and months. I can't afford to smoke and I don't want to smoke. But I'll be damned if my lungs don't cry out, "Feed Me!" every time Mark lights up a Camel. ::le Sigh::

Don't worry. Like I said I won't be giving in to those cravings. The other cravings? well... ::Devilish Grin:: Those don't cost money. Nor do they damage your lungs. ::grin:

cravings, frustration, trips, friends

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