[closed] cloud cover.

Oct 16, 2010 00:08

Characters: Dong Youngbae, Jay Park.
Rating: PG-13 for Jay's mouth.
Setting: New New York, a junkyard.
Summary: Sol takes a beating, Jay lends a hand.

    The fight with the villain- some guy with four robotic arms attached to his back, what the hell- had been doing on all day, thanks to Youngbae's clear work schedule. It was a gray, dreary day in New New York anyway, and his feet were dragging even as he led the madman away from the densely populated areas of the city. A tired misstep was all it took for a metal arm to send him flying from the edge of the building.

Sol skidded along a row of stacked-up car bodies and off of the one at the end, dragging a column of spare tires down with him. The claws at the end of the arm had torn through his suit and his skin, blood streaked in his wake along the roofs of cars. He struggled to move, to make his body get the hell up, but it was all just wishful thinking.

He wasn't going to be going much of anywhere without a recharge, and that would have to wait until the weather changed. He heard a maniacal cackle, falling back down even before the first car was thrown on top of his prone form. The weight pressed down on him as the pile of vehicles grew, and he let his eyes slip closed. He should have never gotten out of bed that morning.

No, perhaps he shouldn't have.

Although to be fair, it was the kind of weather that provoked that sort of feeling in everyone - Jay Park didn't really want to be out of bed, either - but the job called, and he had to go see if he could find some parts on junked cars before shelling out money for new pieces. So he wandered through the yard, quirking an eyebrow at the pile of vehicles, all messy and out of order. He normally didn't use his.... Gift, for anything extravagant, but man, he could imagine what would happen if Josie came back here and saw this mess...

So he started to move them. It was slow-going - he didn't want to break up anything more than it was already broken - but he lifted the cars and re-stacked them.

He was down to the last three when he realized that there was a hand sticking out from under the pile.


Sol had lost track of the time since he'd been abandoned there, but he could feel that the weight on his shoulders was being lightened. Somehow. A groan, and he curled his free hand into a fist before planting it on the nearest solid object, straining with all of his might to free himself from the wreakage.

Something slipped, shifted, and there was fresh pain blossoming in his back.A shard of metal from one of the cars was stuck in his shoulderblade. He collapsed back down, shallowly gasping for breath. He hadn't had such a thorough beating in a long, long time.
    Jay just stared for a moment before he could get his brain together enough to move the rest of the cars - very, very carefully, because there was a fucking person under there.

"Shit. Shit, are you okay?!" He couldn't see anything but that hand, tightening, grasping, and then falling back to the ground.

The hero groaned when the weight was finally gone, and he set aside the pain to force himself back up, staggering to his feet, though his back was still hunched. He wasn't going to try and straighten up while he still had metal stuck in his body. "I'm fine," he wheezed, ignoring the fact that the back of his suit was soaked through with blood from the gaping wound that crossed from right to left.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Jay repeated, holding his head in one hand. "Hold still, you've got shrapnel--" He took a deep breath. He'd never tried anything so delicate as pulling metal out of a body before.

Carefully, he reached for it - urged it to come to him. It flexed and melted over his hand, pulling out of the heroes body, along with some of the iron in his blood.

Jay might not have liked superheroes all that much, but he wasn't going to leave him to die, there on the ground.

Sol held as still as he could, though his muscles were spasming off and on from nothing more than overexertion. He gritted his teeth at the odd sensation that came when the metal was removed, bending double, hands on his knees. "Thanks," he managed to gasp out. "Not often... I get saved."

Jay was unsure of what to say. He offered a tentative 'You're welcome', quirking an eyebrow. "Do uh. Do you need to go to a hospital or something?" He looked so average, standing there in jeans, a wifebeater and workboots. No jacket, despite the clouded sky.

A quick shake of his head- as much as he liked protecting the city, he couldn't trust that his identity would be kept secret if he visited a hospital. "I'll be fine." He would. Somehow. He'd just... strip down and stand in the shower until the hot water numbed the pain enough that he could dress the wound.

"Right." Jay quirked an eyebrow, and glanced over at the hood of a totalled truck. This guy was like him, right. Mutated. So it didn't matter if he saw - as if lifting all those cars hadn't been a big enough clue.

He flattened out the metal. it rippled like a sheet as he urged it to get bigger. and then, when it hovered over the ground, he flopped down on it, looking at Mr. Spandex, over here.

"Get on."

The hero watched, mute, as the hood of the truck rippled and changed shape, obviously his savior's doing. That was why the shrapnel coming out of his back had felt so strange, then. "What? Oh.... right." Wincing, he crouched down on the floating metal sheet, then stretched out on his stomach.

"Hold on." Jay said; thinking to himself that he really didn't need to do this, that it really wasn't necessary for him to be taking care of fucking costumed superheroes while he was on the clock. But he wasn't really enough of a scumbag to leave him laying there on the ground, either, and he, like most people, knew that Sol got all his energy from the sun. Duh.

So, up they went - carefully out of view of the people of the city, through the low cloud cover. "I don't know how far up I can go without passin' out." He said, looking up, already able to feel humidity in the clouds around them.

The sensation that they were rising through the air hit him suddenly, like a punch to the stomach, and he squinted his eyes closed for a moment, turning his head away before he tugged his mask off. "Well, if you pass out, I'll try to return the favor of saving my life."

A laugh. "Yeah, provided you get some sunlight before it happens." Jay kept navigating through the clouds. The air was getting thinner and thinner, but it was getting warmer and warmer. They'd break through the cloud cover soon.

"I'm already feeling a bit better." He closed his eyes briefly before forcing them open again, carefully sitting up. His back still hurt- badly- and that would take a few weeks to heal, but he was feeling more like his usual self.

"Good." Jay replied, just as they burst through the top of the cloud cover - he stayed hovering just above the greyness, afraid to go any higher. He was already feeling a little lightheaded. Fucking Mr. Spandex, getting his ass kicked in a junkyard, of all places.

Forgetting he'd removed his mask, Youngbae glanced over his shoulder at the other man. He could soak up the sun and keep an eye on the man who'd saved his life. Because he would have died, eventually, wasted away under a pile of cars.

Jay had his back to him. He'd seen the mask come off and really, all it had done was stir unhappy memories and he didn't fucking want to know a secret that big. He didn't want to know who Sol really was. Bad enough knowing who his father was. So he just looked out over the clouds - eyes closed, just in case.

Youngbae looked out and up again, squinting until he tugged his mask back on, giving a quiet sigh. He really should have done this first thing, and then he wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble, caused so much trouble. "You didn't pass out, did you?" he asked, a faint chuckle coloring his voice.

"Nah." Jay shook his head; taking deep, slow breaths. "If I passed out, you'd be falling." He grinned a little. "Actually." He stood up. "How you feelin, Sunny?" He asked, stretching his arms out and moving on the metal, as though sinking his workboots further into it.

He looked over again, turning so that his back was to the sun, warmth easing the edge of the pain radiating through his body. "Better. Except, you know, for the giant gash on my back."

A nod. "Well. Get that vitamin d workin'," Jay replied, letting his legs hang over the thin, thin sheet of metal, holding him up in the sky. "I think I wanna go surfing before I gotta touch back down."

Sol laughed, then, despite the fact that even breathing made him want to hiss in pain. "Surfing?" he echoed, a brow quirked behind his mask.

"Yeah," Jay nodded. "Strap myself in and surf back down." He looked down at the clouds. He was grinning just thinking about it - feeling adrenaline starting to kick into his system as he did so.

Slowly but surely, the hero got to his feet- but then he hovered a few inches above the metal, and up a bit further, so he was safely out of the way. "Don't let me keep you from having fun."

"You gonna be aight?" The last word was said in a drawl - a weird, city-kid accent as Jay looked over at the hero who had just ledt the metal, which was already morphing into what looked like a surfboard, the metal melting and moving around his ankles to hold him to it.

"Yeah." A small smile, and he rose another twenty feet or so- closer to the sun, he could deal with the thin air for a while. "I owe you one."

A shrug. "Whatever." And then he dropped out of view, down through the cloud cover.

dong youngbae, jay park

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