So, I appropriated a couple of 2011 reading memes from
ladyadeone and
meltintall3, and have been working on them off-and-on for several weeks. Then I decided that I should finish them today because they're rather overdue and because I should really be working on homework.
Long ramblings about books follow )
It's really nice to see your thoughts on Hawksmaid and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, both of which I'd been contemplating.
I just finished rereading Sword Song and found that the Christianty in the story was less satisfying then I remembered. And it's not the best Sutcliff I've ever read (The Lantern Bearers is definitely my fave). But it's still worth the read, for sure. Which other Sutcliff have you read?
I didn't know Crispin is a series! I've only read the first one (Cross of Lead), a few years ago. While the writing fine, my main memory is of a very depressing atmosphere. So I don't know that I'm interested in the rest of them...
Sounds like I should read Finally. Hysterical is always good!
Those medical books sound pretty interesting! I shall have to check them out. Have you read the Sherlock Holmes mystery involving the same thing?
The cover for Water Wars is definitely eye-catching!
I love how Meltintalle, you, and I all include something by McKillip in our "Most Beautifully Written" list. : D
Despite the lateness of the date, I'm still planning on making another 2011 Books post. Because nothing is more fun!
I'm glad that some of my thoughts were useful! If you do decide to read either Hawksmaid or Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, I'd be very curious to hear your thoughts. :)
Mmhmm. In Sword Song, the hero seems to convert mainly as an "insurance policy" and then just kind of drops it, even though he thinks seriously for a bit about what it means to be a Christian. :( Ooh, I haven't read The Lantern Bearers---I shall have to see if I can get my hands on it at all. I always forget the title, but I just looked it up and the other Sutcliff I've read is The Shining Company. The university library is supposed to have a whole bunch of Sutcliff, but almost all of them have gone missing. :(
Oh, yes, I think Crispin is a trilogy. :) Yeah, that was kind of my impression too, but they kept showing up at the library and they were pretty short, so... Overall, I remember there being some good parts, but they also mainly felt very depressing, as you said.
If you give Finally a try, I'd love to hear what you think! :)
Em, I'm not sure. :"> Which Sherlock Holmes mystery would that be? I think I've read them all, but it doesn't sound familiar...
Oh, yes. :D Even when I don't really like the story, McKillip does have quite a way with words. But it is kind of funny that we all put her on the list. ;))
Wohoo! :D I heartily approve and shall keep an eye out for it!
(Also, I've stalled a little on the character meme you gave me mainly because it's kind of a redo of the first one I did and I'm not sure yet if I like that. :"> ;)) )
I see my library has Finally. And I see Wendy Mass also wrote 13 Gifts, which my sister cricket1995 read and enjoyed. I shall check them both out and let you know what I think. : )
I can't remember the title of the Sherlock mystery, but it involved someone with leprosy living secretly on an English estate to avoid being put in stricter quarantine. Someone saw him and thought he was a ghost, or something like that. So Sherlock Holmes got called in.
I sure understand about the character meme!
Ooh, yay! :D Hehe...I hope you like the books. :) I would advise reading 11 Birthdays before 13 Gifts if you get a chance---it's not absolutely necessary, but there's a decent connection between the two (moreso than between Finally and the others though it takes place between the other two books). It's not hugely important, but things will probably make a bit more sense that way. :)
Hmm, okay, that Sherlock story does sound very vaguely familiar. I shall see if I can figure out what story that is (which may involve asking someone else...). :)
Thanks for understanding! :)
And I asked a classmate who's currently rereading Holmes, and she said that the story you mentioned sounded familiar, but she hadn't reread it yet. ;)) So, I'll still be looking for which one that is.
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