Jan 04, 2006 21:07
Ground Rules:The topic is "5 weird or quirky habits of yours". It's simple, below are 5 of my quirks and if I tag you then you post the rules in your LiveJournal along with your quirks and 5 people that you choose to tag. Then it goes on and on and on... Got it? Yay!
1) Hmm...I'm a very light sleeper, though I'm odd when it comes to nighttime sounds. Certain things irritate me badly and can keep me awake forever...for example, I can be listening to a clock on the wall as it ticks and just the ticking sound is enough to keep me awake. On the other hand, certain ambient sounds give me a lot of comfort....example being my desktop computer. The gentle hum of the computer is soothing and helps me to sleep better...in fact, I can barely sleep at all if it is dead silent. Something about it just bothers me....
2) I have a weird fascination with looking stuff up on Google. The oddest things will pop into my head and I have to go online and look up more about them. A character in a book or even just a TV show, if there's something I'm not sure about, I have to go research it...it drives me nuts if I don't.
3) I get jittery if I sit without anything to do, to occupy me. I usually end up either twiddling my thumbs or, even worse, biting my nails. I'm terrible for that...I catch myself biting my nails without even realizing it....it's a rather odd fascination, but at least it gives me something to do. On that same not, I can't sit for very long since I just get bored/anxious. I have to get up and move around after a while, even if it's just standing up....as most of you probably know, I stand a lot because.....well, I guess because it's fun. :p
4) I have these really weird obsessions with Nazis and with Hitler....I strongly disagree with what they preached but I am amazed that one man, being Hitler, could take a broken, shattered little European nation and, in the course of a few decades, turn it into one of the most powerful military nations in the world. Not to mention being able to brainwash an entire nation of people to go to war with an entire race of individuals. This seems to be a near-supernatural accomplishment, given the extremes to which the Holocaust was taken. It's an area of study that I find to be quite enlightening.
5) I'm the kind of person that doesn't like leaving things unfinished. If I encounter a problem or get into a disagreement with someone, I'm not able to relax until things are resolved, one way or another. It constantly nags at me and creates quite a distraction. I'm almost obsessive about it, as well as with my other quirks...I'm not quite to the level of Adrian Monk, but it's definitely worth noting. ^^;
That's it for me. :p Now, let's see.....I think I will choose to tag...