FarscapeCon Recap...of War and Peace...

Nov 27, 2011 09:26

After all who wouldn't be here for Ben anyway?
Also you'll probably want to skim because idk how to edit.
Most of this is just for my entertainment
Oh and my tweets are mixed in like my last con recap

Please read on for the Persia and Jo show!

 So I got in to LAX at about 9 pm. In a complete oversight I was freezing on the plane and was kinda miserable. I made it to the hotel fine and tons of FS people were all hanging out in the lobby and apparently marieelise0928 had drunk too much and fallen asleep at 6 LOL. And that was my first memory of the con! So we just kinda hung out and I was all drugged from my flight and half asleep and we still were up till 2 am. We did go bang on Marie's door and woke her up and probably scared her roomate but Stella is cool and we also stole her FS posters and taped them to our hotel room door. Which was good because I still don't even know what our room number was I only found it because of the posters.


I'm pretty sure I've just eaten an entire package of TimTams. I regret nothing.

TimTams sampled BTW: mint,honeycomb,Turkish delight, white,rum raisin,regular,caramel. And got a timtam slam demonstration.

There was a Terra Firma meetup in the morning. So all the newbies took over a table and we were the loudest. And people kept giving us free stuff and we were like omg best con evah! So we got dog tags and ribbons and "Frell Me Dead" bracelets. And then someone brought over a huge bag of TimTams and we started grabbing them and shoving them in our purses. The guy that brought them told me he had brought 40 pounds of them just to hand out and I was like you are so generous holy crap.

There was also a drawing and to the newbies that did not have the entire series on DVD the mods of TF offered to get it for them. Seriously people were so nice! I won a FS sweatshirt that despite being huge on me I needed because the hotel beds had like a throw on them to stand in for a comforter and I needed something warm for the plane back. And I don't know how appreciative virkatjol was of my squeezing myself to her in the middle of the night :/ dizzydame won a signed pic of Claudia and she let virkatjol have it because she too is awesome. BEST MORNING EVER SO FAR RIGHT? And Jo cried and we were all like awww and then we all had to sing Kumbaya. Okay not really.

Nothing really happened until 3:30 when David Franklin was going to be on. And I of course was like WHO? I honestly didn't even know what hotel we were staying at until the day before. And I had no clue who was even going to be there. I just trust Jo to know what I'm supposed to do. So anyway David Franklin played Braca. And I was like um okay... BUT I have learned from SGCon that even people that you are like eh about can be interesting. And omg DF was Fabulous. I mean "fabulous" quite literally as well. He kept teasing people that they had to go to the mic to ask a question and that he wouldn't talk to them otherwise HAHa And he kept mentioning the cabarat that was going on that evening and he was just so hilarious that I was like JO WE NEED TO GO. And she was like WE NEED TO GET HIS PICTURE. This is why 1. Jo needs to go to every con I ever go too and 2. Why I really shouldn't listen to anything she suggests at cons to me :D

Why am I getting two photo ops with Ben? Because I frelling can. Also apparently I have a desire to go broke as well.

And I need to reiterate that honestly I really had only planned to get one photo with Ben and someone had bought a ticket for the Breakfast with Ben and I was like wait what? Sure? And then as soon as I got there that plan went straight off a cliff.

So there were some other things going on. A trivia contest which I should have entered because it was really hit or miss honestly. And a Movie Pitch game that Jo should have entered because all the other ideas had like no porn in them so we all had to vote for the Zombie story. And then we watched Virginia Hey. Who basically talked about the same stuff that she did at D*C but honestly she's so nice that I can forgive her that bit. She's just kinda technical with her answers. Whereas DF is fun and sassy.

Anyway so at the Caberat. There were simultaneous cons going on for Wharehouse 13, Eureka, and Stargate. so at the caberat there were other fandom guests. Ryan Robbins idekw did some songs that were depressing but he has a really great voice and  Alexis Cruz did a puppet show with a mind reading monkey that was really funny and he kept having to tell us it was just a monkey!

Rebecca Riggs is kinda freaking adorable irl. We all agree

So RR comes out and she played Grayza which HELLO I hated her okay who didn't? But IRL omg is she adorable. And we were all like um woah. Like you could never ever tell that it was her. And she did a kinda comedy routine with songs and she sings so well and that was lots of fun.

And then David Franklin came out and he was all singing like Sinatra and he was hilarious and he made us sing Calendar "Boy" with him and there were pics of him as like Calendar stud pics (idk) and that's where this tweet came from.

Annnd David Franklin is A-freaking-mazing. And now I randomly really want Braca/Sikozu fic. Don't ask.

AND THEN He says that Braca was really Grayza's baby daddy and that they had a huge love thing going on and he starts to sing Suddenly Seymour and Rebecca comes out to join him and they are doing this epic I mean EPIC Love duet and RR had made a joke in her set that you can't be a princess unless 3 bars into the first duet they fall in love. which is why we tweeted this

3 bars into the first duet! @virkatjol ships Braca/Grayza Don't ask

And I just can't even begin to say how amazing and epic that duet was and they had changed the words and it was just perfect. And basically everyone shipped them together by the end of it I think. LOL

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Also I've so totally gone past the any freaking little thing is gonna make me cry for no reason. Like by 5 hours.

Honestly this is pretty much a constant state of mine at conventions IDKW I haven't realized this yet... :(

And then I found out that Schmacky0 was going to come to the con and I squeeled so much that Jo thought I meant Claudia was coming. I can't help it I fangirl my BNF's...


Bathrooms are my greatest friend. This is depressing on so many levels.

Also while I'm in here I can panic about which dress to wear. I've only flip-flopped between them 4 times already.

Which is gonna look more cute in pictures with Ben? Answer: Your question is invalid Ben trumps all.

The upside I've hijacked the coffee machine to join me in the bathroom... It's like my own little coffee bar!

Also the dress decision is tempered w/ the announcement of four surprise guests. Which good grief I can't even hope for Claudia.

And once again the answer to the 'which is a cuter dress' question would be? Claudia trumps everything; your wardrobe sucks.

Yeah...so... I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. Because I didn't want to set off the stupid motion sensor light and wake everyone else up. And I generally end up in bathrooms because I'm usually having some type of breakdown and it's usually easier and you don't have to try and explain emotions you can't explain anyway to confused people.

There was another meetup for Terra Firma people and more giveaways. Our Newbie table made out amazingly well and we all tried to getmaverick0324's powers of Claudia perception to coalece into her showing up but it was not to be.

Oh and this was actually when Jo was like LET"S GET A DF PIC and I was LIKE OMG YES. But then his photo op was scheduled for way later and our impulsive adrenaline rush was tempered. But it was so worth the wait for that amazing photo.

Just complemented Eric Avarice on his portrayal of egyptologists. I think I get points for random role mentions of the mummy and castle!

I was like I know that dude! So I got up the courage to go say hi to him. And tried to remember the things that Mr. Roxy said I was not allowed to say to celebrities and I think I did pretty well. Especially since I did really like him in the Mummy and felt like it was a complement that I remembered random roles...? He was very nice.

@roxybisquaint Jo and I are constantly talking about how awesome you and Mr.Roxy are and why can't you adopt us.

Honestly this was like all day. SHE IS OUR FANDOM MOM. I'm so stealing that from maverick0324 roxybisquaint makes a great fandom mom btw. but you can't have her I already claimed her. OH and I remember why I tweeted this because We were in line and Virginia Hey walked by and I told Jo that if Mr. Roxy was there he totally would have been like HEY VIRGINIA! but  I didn't have the guts to and we both went on a spiel about how much we love them and how awesome they are.

Um so Lani was on. And ICR what he said because the format was kinda lame. And Jo was going to ask a GREAT question but because the format was lame they got to like NO questions so that was sad. And then Rebecca Riggs was on and she was HILARIOUS and a really great guest and I got up to ask And there is a video somewhere that I have to get from Jo...

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I said "So I really hated your character in Farscape I couldn't stand her" and she was like "Thanks for coming" and I was like YW! LOL And then I said "So what was it like assaulting Ben Browder" Because Jo and I have priorities when we ask questions and they somehow I JUST DON"T KNOW HOW always relate back to Ben or Claudia...

And then I found schmacky0 and that was amazing. And she said my question was lovely and I was adorable and I  <3 her lots.

And being laughed at for fangirling @Schmacky0 Can I help it she makes great videos and is awesome?! No. So there.


And then I bolted. YES I RUN when I freak out. Also I wanted to see something other than the hotel parking lot so I went to Carl's Jr. And it tastes just like Burger King... But there I can say I've had that experience. Anyway I needed a break. I need lots of them at cons...

So I was totally Virginia-frelling-Hey for 10 minutes. That totally made up for lots.

So I went back and wandered the dealer room and then I went up to Virginia and was like "Hey Virginia" Yeah I have AMAZING Communicative skills I know :/ Anyway she was nice and she was trying to figure out her phone and I was like yeah idk what kind of phone it is but I was trying to figure it out for her and there was this other girl just chilling too and we were like chatting up each other Possibly because we are lame and weird. IDK But Virginia was like I'm sorry I feel like I'm ignoring you because you came over to talk and I'm like Trust me I have nothing better to do right now other than hang out. Which may not have been the classiest thing to say so oops. But Virginia was asking about some "cute actor" she'd seen in the green room and the other girl and I were trying to guess who and she was like No on from Farscape and I was like Well there goes Ben! And then she was saying how the dude who plays Baa'al in Stargate sat in on her panel and she didn't know who he was until we told her. And I was telling her how Mr.Roxy told me that you can always tell the actors at D*C because they look good and walk with purpose etc. And she didn't seem to think so but I forget what else she commented about that. Anyway so she was messing with her phone for a long time and she hadn't eaten and SOMEHOW I got wrangled into sitting at her table and watching her stuff while she went to the bathroom. And her handler (?) lady was like about to freak out and I'm like I can't make change! JSYK! And I tried to look not creepy and like I always just crash at celebrities tables and help them sell their wares.

And I was there a long time and I missed Kent McCord but apparently he was kinda boring :O so it was okay. And no I did not do any weird mediation with Virginia Roxy ;) but I'm pretty sure I need her calming CD things when I next go to a con.

So then our photo op with David Franklin. So first off we hadn't really planned this and we had only really talked about our pic with Ben so this is literally that conversation I had with Jo about that pic.

"We should do something funny for our Ben photo."
"I want us to plank you"
"Uhh..you what?"
"Plank you"
"I don't...know if you guys could lift me"
"DUH of course we can!"
"Um okay sure" (because I'm crazy)

So we decided that we should maybe attempt this with David Franklin as well for you know a dry run? And also he had amazing arms. So we knew it would work. Annnnnd he totally groped me. mmhmm :D And then tried to pretend he hadn't in my pic and I was like um please like I care? It was just loads of fun and I love Jo for thiking of crazy things to do and actually somehow getting me to do them!

So um David Franklin touched my boob. Yeah and that story is awesome. :3

Heck yeah I'm now bffs with Virginia and Alexis Cruz. So rocking all my learned skills from @roxybisquaint

Yeah...I don't actually know who AC is but we were sitting out side and he came out to smoke and I was like HEY! I liked your songs last night, I MEAN your puppet show. And I'm sure I sounded drunk. But he was nice and I tried to complement him. Because I did really like his puppet show! I'd just got him confused for a minute. And then Virginia was leaving so I was like BYE! Because I was all on a roll from yelling at Alexis Cruz and trying to be cool like Mr. Roxy would be. And she stopped to tell us she was on her way back to her studio to make more candles for the next day or something. Honestly she can really talk. So it's pretty easy to talk to her.

And then Schmacky and I went back to the Carl's Jr. Where we waited FOREVER for cinebo to show up :P And gothamite showed up too! and I felt bad because I was like COME SEE ME and I'm horrible with entertaining people but they were great and we muddled through and it was so awesome to meet Bo and Schmacky and Gothy because I've known them forever on Twitter. And then we went and watched the costume show. And I was yelled at for not properly introducing anyone to anyone else and I was like DO YOU KNOW ME? You know I suck at this stuff. :DD but um really, sorry about that...


So now that I can tweet I can say that I swore in front of Ben Browder. Honestly I was incoherent after that.

Courtesy of the awesome newbie table. AKA us! RT @iamjrbourne German candy attacks!!! pic.twitter.com/hBKUkJ3X

I will never live down this day. I'm crashing so much rn. Way too much happy.

And by curse I meant shout HOLY FUCK because I was in shock at seeing him. And then he hugged me. and my life is over. #farscapecon

Happy things people, happy things. I'm telling you I need to learn to avoid them.

Mmk so like a couple months before Jo writes me and says karen_b got us breakfast tickets for Ben! And I'm like Wut? Yes I am that clueless. No but really I can't plan cons too much or the stress I get normally is like a million times worse so it's a lot better if I just leave it to Jo and other people and they tell me what to do. Which is great because I had no idea tickets for Ben were even available much less that there was even a breakfast with him at all. So a bunch of get up early to stand in line and there are charts and attack plans going around. Attack plans as in how to infiltrate the room and which table to get and if there is an overflow table needed etc. Not attack plans as in fangirly attack Ben plans! except maybe Jo...

We get in the room we stalk our table and proceed to conquer it in all our fangirly flail, with banners and "Newbie" signs and  a pulse pistol and girls in tights defending it and German candy to make us more sugar comatose! I think there was food and I think there was an auction but I was beginning to be sick again. Ben does this to me carry on. And auctions make me stressed no end so I didn't even look. And I at this point have no flipping clue who else is even at this breakfast thing and I think the rest of our table was of a pretty singular mind that Ben is the most important guest anyway. The announcer dude is talking and Ben comes in a side door and is like we can't hear anything in there are we supposed to come out? And our table swoons. naturally. And then there are pics of all the guests and I stood on a chair and STILL managed to get suckage for photographs. National Geograpic will never hire me that's for sure.

So the guests go about to the tables and Ben's handler lady and HOLY CRAP was she evil looking is like let's go to the Newbie table! So we were second and we all wanted to be last so we could appreciate things. Don't ask me what things IDK just "things". And somehow THAT I SWEAR I DIDN"T PLAN no really I honestly didn't plan it. I get stuck sitting next to him and FFS I have no clue what he said half the time.

I pulled a bag of candy over and set it in front of him because that was our plan to give the guests candy becaue jacquelee didn't want to take it home and I already had 4 bags in my purse. And Jo is like WHAT are you doing and I'm like IS ANYTHING I DO NORMAL ANYMORE WHY YOU KEEP ASKING ME THAT? And so he said that he would give it to his kids and someone brought up how the caberat was amazing and that David and Rebecca sang Suddenly Grayza. even though those weren't the words and He started to sing some words that were totally fine with me and I think RR should change the words to fit y/y? And he said we were all like right out of high school and I was like well not that close and he was like close enough. And I think he was half asleep still and he had coffee INSIDER INFORMATION THERE FOR YOU BEN BROWDER IS NOT A MORNING PERSON. (enter Jo saying something dirty here and Team Prowler gets 10 more points) And then Stella had him shoot the small innocent young boy of a tender age of under 10 with the pulse pistol and it made his day. And I'm sure more happened but beats me what and then his evil handler made him leave. And then we got stuck with some other dude that was still nice but not Ben for waaaay longer than we got Ben and it wasn't exactly fair the way things worked out at the breakfast and then we decided to trade seats for who sat next to which celebs and other crap happened.

Then we got Rebecca Riggs eventually and she was adorable and I might have said that to her like a million times it was totally lame and she picked up the pulse pistol and asked if it was for her and we were like Uh it's not any of ours we just stole it and then she shoved it in her cleavage and were like we don't actually know where that thing's been and she was like EW and it was great.

Things were all messed up because stupid creation scheduled people's photo ops during the breakfast and it wasn't at all fair that they had to leave and miss stuff so it was late and Ben's panel was supposed to be starting and we wanted good seats so we were unsure what to do because We didn't want to be rude to the other guests even if we weren't really there for them and just run off and abandon them and dang it we had paid to be there So we decided to wait it out and some of the girls were like it's okay we'll go gracioucly save seats for you. Our table's last guest was JR Bourne who Jo and I had actually seen at SGCon so I knew who he was. Or knew of who he was and we were pretty desperate to get rid of the candy we still had.

OH I remember. Or table kinda just always digressed into talking about candy and we were like dude seriously we need to not only talk about candy with these peoploe. But that so didn't work. And I vaguely remember suggesting to someone that if he wanted to come up to our room and coat gummi bears in chocolate we were up for that and supposedly this came off a lot dirtier than I meant because I was like Seriously? You can't find them to buy? I'm pretty sure those would be stupid easy to make yourself. YES I AM THAT NAIVE whatever. Ben can come have chocolate gummi bears with us too if he wants.

Any way I was like, to JR Tweet something! And he was like do you follow me and I was like yep! And then I realized I actually didn't... SORRY I REALLY THOUGHT I DID. So he lays down on the table and says put the candy around me so I dump haribo peaches on him and APPARENTLY that's not what he was going for *snorfle* and he tweets this great pic. And then our table is done and we make a mad dash to grab our seats for Ben's panel.

SOOOO I really have to go to the bathroom, *ahem* there was tea and I was nervous...And I'm trying to RT JR's candy tweet and there is absolutly no signal in the stupid hotel and I'm trying and retrying to send the tweet, and I don't want to miss the panel And I'm like running back to the room to sit back down and not miss anything and I'm looking down and being like Tweet stupid phone Tweet! And I'm almost to the door and I hear "Oh we've been waiting for you" And I look up and I literally must have almost run right in to him but there RIGHT FRICKING THERE is BEN FRICKING BROWDER. And I like to think I have lots of self control. Occasionally.  And I can just feel myself going into shock and all I could say was "HOLY FUCK" and this wasn't even quiet. It was like an embarrassing loud HOLY FUCK. And I cover my mouth and Ben comes and puts his arm around me and is like "Shhh shh now. Watch your mouth!" But like in a I'm so amused sort of tone and he asks me "Do you have a seat?" and my brain literally melted down. I swear I didn't want to be *that* fan that can't speak but I totally was and it's so embarrassing and I remember him trying to ask If I had a seat and I was like uh idk. And he asked where and I was like in the front? And then I'm like idk I have friends and he was so calm and I'm sure he wont ever remember this moment and I'm not sure he even remembered it later in the day but it's kinda etched on my memory forever. But he just kept asking me where I was sitting and I'm pretty sure I asked if I could sit with him at one point and I'm also fairly sure I said that I could just sit on the floor. I was utterly incoherent I'm sure of that though. And I finally saw Jo and the other girls and they just had this look like "What is going on??" And I just wanted to be like "I don't know either!!" And I finally sat down and Ben stood on a chair and told the room that they weren't going to start the panel until the breakfast people were over and frankly I'm honestly amazed I remembered anything after that moment...

Well anyway when he finally started the real panel he was already pretty emotional and he did a speech about Farscape and then he brought out his kids and Fran. Everything's really blurry at this point just so you know. But his kids were so freaking adorable like holy crap cute. And they had lots of personality and he got down and asked them silly questions like who's the best coach ever and he asked Fran who the better kisser was and she said "That would be my Ben" and it was all kinds of cute. And there were some questions icr atm and it seemed a little more sad then at SGCon but still he's fun. Also he kept doing "Can I get a Hell Yeah's" his kids and loud loud ones at the start and end. Good grief I really wish I could remember more...

Hmm let's see. I might have went to hang around Virginia some more...She's very calming so that's nice at least. And I really should have bought one of her CD's like Jo told me too. I'd probably need it on continual loop though. I think I also mentioned about how I had told Ben about the bread and that he had told me I wasn't to talk to her LOL. And she laughed and then said something that I didn't understand. And then she said I was "circling" because I kept jumping topics randomly. HEE Um then Ricky Manning and Rockne came out. And photo ops with Ben were supposed to be going on and we were confused because things were going late again so we kept running back and forth between the panel and the photo room so I felt bad because Rockne and Ricky were probably confused why people kept getting up and leaving. And I honestly was too wired to hear anything they said at all. In fact I can't remember one thing FAIL

So we figure out the photoop thing finally and maverick0324 is like I just ran into Ben on his way to the bathroom Like literally ran into him WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT AVERTING THINE EYES GIRL?! And I was like omg my mind I need to not go there. And it was awkward. Anywhoo we get up there so i'm somehow stuck going first so I just get a picture by myself with him And I *again* babbled all kinds of random that is just too embarrassing to say and I ended with like "Can you just squish me?" AND HE DID I distinctly remember him tightening his grip and of course I look ridiculously happy in the pic and he is like all cool and calm BUT STILL AWSOME. Then It's Jo and My turn. SERIOUSLY JO HAD LIKE 6 PICTURES WITH HIM LOL she's awesome. So we do our "let's pick me up" routine and he seemed nervous but apparently we got applause and someone said it was the best Ben pic. And basically I think it's fun and Jo is still a freaking genius for taking our pictures to the crazy next level. So I'll take that.And of course I am still worried we scarred him because with all the other crazy pics I've seen him do I'm still conviced Jo and I scar him the worst. I HAVE PARANOIA OKAY?

And then we had like nothing to do because Bianca cancelled LOLOLOlol forever. Because seriously who schedules her after Ben Browder AND Rockne? Really? I'd cancel too. And no one was really upset about this except for the people that were trying to get their money back from the the meet and greet they'd bought :P

OH AND THEN okay so Jo and I are doing more WE NEED PICS WITH REBECCA freaking out. Or probably I was the only one freaking out but it's okay....sorta. So the stupid creation people are like I KNOW NOTHING and I'm like well could you tell me when the Photoops are because it was changed and they were like well check the schedule and I'm like HELLO THEY WERE CHANGED WHEN ARE THEY except I didn't say that but I really wanted too :| And jo is like like they are NOW! so we run over and Rebecca had just left but they were like we'll go get her so she runs back and I think she was trying to go eat but she was nice about it. And I put my arm around her waist and I'm like "You're so warm!" which made perfect sense to me because I'm always cold and I honestly don't know how anyone could make that much body heat but this of course does not translate out of my mouth. And she just dies laughing and they couldn't take the pic until she composed herself :3 And I was like you really are adorable and very nice. and like everyone there is now huge Rebecca fangirls but anyway she was like Aww I feel loved and like a guinea pig now! And I hope that meant she took it as a complement but I really can't tell.

Then we decide since we are blowing all sorts of money we may as well get her autograph too. So I go back to get our pics and they are like well we aren't going to print them until way later now (when they usually only take like 30 minutes) and her autograph time is running out so I'm back at the desk with inept creation people and they are like well did we say the pictures would be done in time? No. And once again I'm like HELLO DID YOU NOT PLAN THIS OUT? We don't have to throw our money at you do you? and dmanit you are sure making it hard to aren't you. But once again I did not say this but I was ticked. So I have a mini meltdown since all the emotions of the day are starting to crash together and I'm like I NEED A FRICKING MOMENT. or lots and lots of Valium. Anyway it works out because FINALLY creation figures out that we are trying to spend more money and they bring Rebecca back and we joke with her about our pic etc and SHE IS REALLY ADORABLE I can't think of another word! And she's tries to ask me what I want on the pic and I seriously can't think like at all because it's just too much and I just know I must have seemed high because I was seriously like can someone else think for me rn because I just can't anymore. And RR draws a circle with a dot in it on our pics and I'm like "Did you just draw a boob on my pic?" And she's like "It's a wormhole!!!" And I was like yeah suuuuuure it is :P It was great.

THEN omg this post seriously never ends does it?
So we are in line for Ben's autograph and I what a surprise can't pick which pic to have him sign and I just give him the one with Jo and I and he's like "Wow, oh man" and he  seemed SUPER tired and possibly crying or sick because he just seemed very worn out so I felt bad about that. But he was nice. And I showed him the pic we did with David Franklin to make it seem less creepy...hopefully.

And we sat around and Ricky Manning was there and he was chatting with people and I wsa shamelessly only staring at Ben. But I did get to feel a piece of Moya he'd brought with and it's not Cardboard! Like I thought it was. but it was very pretty. And as we were leaving the room He's like who wants this random Fire Exit sign and I was like IT IS FREE I WANT IT. And then dizzydame said to have him sign it and he did and I chatted him up about pens! I felt rather smart actually. And he signed my sign "To Fire Exit Only" LOL he's really funny.

Thanks so much to @froonium for this great con memory! twitpic.com/7hwnzx

& for chatting about pens. b/c when you've someone from your favorite show what you really want to talk about is pens...*headdesk* @froonium

Then I had to call roxybisquaint and Roxy is just amazing that i'm afraid I might not have said it enough times but she's very very nice for letting me waste her time. A

We all had to leave Jo but to temper this sadness we kinda all impulse ordered the special John and Aeryn statue. It made it a little better. IT JUST HAPPENED MOM IDK HOW :O

All in all it was a GREAT experiance and I'm so glad that we got to go and that I got to meet so many fun people and that even though Claudia didn't come Rebecca Riggs made up for a lot of that sadness.

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