Still hasn't hit bottom [The River]

Apr 22, 2012 23:12

Title: Still hasn't hit bottom
Characters/Pairings: Lena/Jonas
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She holds his hands. Finale AU.
Spoilers/Warnings: Up to 1x08; some bad language, reference to violence.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: Goes AU after mid-1x08, in that the character death ends up being a non-life-threatening injury instead. Written for drabblefix's prompt #11, from Richard Siken's Seaside Improvisation. Title from the poem as well.


She holds his hands; tight, fingers twined around his, sweat-sheened palms hot against his skin.

It's to hurt, at first. You bastard, she hisses, tears catching on the words, grip crushing, like if she lets go it'll be to hit him or worse, you stupid bastard.

She's on first watch, gun tucked into her pants and kneeling in front of his bunk, head bowed like supplication. Like prayer.

His throat's still red-raw when he swallows. Her grip goes slack, tension unwinding into itself.

I'm so sorry, he whispers, all the words he has -- a surrender.

She doesn't let go.
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