Ummmmmm ...

May 21, 2009 09:59

So I wrote Charlotte/Jacob.

I don't even know. Seriously.

But the point of this post is actually to sing the praises of the ongoing Crack!/Rare!Ship fic meme that ineffort is currently hosting. There are some foolishly awesome fics happening there; everyone from Juliet to Claire to Mr. Eko have made an appearance so far.

(Oh, and here's a link -- Charlotte/Jacob ficlet -- if you're so inclined. It's also Charlotte/Daniel if you squint, because apparently I'm incapable of writing anything without Dan making an appearance.)

One more thing -- if anyone can explain to me now to do an actual, proper cut WITH a link, I'll be forever in your debt. I've read all the Help sections, but apparently I'm still LJ-stupid and can't for the life of me figure out how to do it.

character: jacob, writing, pairing: charlotte/jacob, story: fic, pairing: daniel/charlotte, character: charlotte

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