Work problems. Follow up on respect issues.

Mar 25, 2008 17:28

So apparently at my job, my owner and boss are becoming suspicious of employees stealing money.

My manager was one of those who was targeted which when I found out, infuriated me. How my boss and owner could imply she would do something criminal like that is beyond me. Especially when usually when finances dont add up, it's almost always at the fault of my boss rather than my manager or anyone else. I'm being vague with names because I dont want to disclose that stuff on here, but still feel the need to bitch about it.

They're so cheap. All they care about is making a few bucks and they let friendship and trust fly right out the window. It bothers me so much. It's really only within the past year out of the near two and a half years I had been there that I've come to realize the ugly truth of all this. Not to mention, the one being accused has also informed me that I also am under suspicion for something else, but she doesnt know since apparently they wish to keep it confidential. I suppose I'll be finding out soon, too.

Whatever problem they have I don't know what it is, but I know I've done nothing but be a faithful employee since I've been working there. The minute they point a finger at me and that trust is blurred, I'm out. I'm done. I've dealt with jobs in the past that have been run by owners that have exploited and disrespected me countless times and I'll do now what I did then, I'll simply leave. Fuck that.

Again. Those who can't fucking respect me, I don't have any fucking time for. That goes for family, lovers, friends, employers, everybody.

Don't slander my name because of your own paranoia. Simple as that.

Fuck this. I'm gonna do homework to get my mind off of this. Egh.

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