
Mar 09, 2008 21:53

So as of yesterday morning, I apparently have gotten an allergic reaction to something completely unknown and it had been getting increasingly worse over the last 24 hours. This morning I went to an Urgent Care clinic and they injected an IV in me with some sort of steroid stuff... gave me a benadryl shot and also prescribed me steroid pills, atarax pills, and an antibiotic. -__- Sucks to have something try to kill you and you dont even know what the hell you're allergic to.

So yeah... xD Didnt go into work today but I'll be opening tomorrow, so whoo.

On another note - been utilizing the time at home to knock out some college things. I've decided I'm not going to SC for the summer, nor will I be getting any internships, so unfortunately I'm stuck at Candy World haha - but I'm going to take an Elementary Chinese Language course at Mason Mon-Thurs 8:30AM-12:00PM from June 2nd to July 24th. That way I have a productive thing to do this summer and wont be home eating bored out of my mind lmao, plus it's something i love to do/learn, and it'll get me 6 credits ahead of the game and make it so i have an easy load to deal with fall semester.

For fall 2008 semester, i pretty much have my classes picked out:
212 Religions of the Orient
120 Sociology: Globalization and Society
110 Ecosphere: Environmental Science 1 (lecture and lab classes)
201 Intermediate Chinese 1

(and if i want the option, i can take another class... but meh there's 13 credits and i dont want to overload myself again like i did with NCC. lol)

Also, i went ahead and joined the NSCS - National Society of Collegiate Scholars... it's kind of like an honor roll thing. Doing community service is an option.. but being a member you get access to scholarships and study abroad opportunities that they have. It looks good on resumes, so if all else fails, i can just put that on there.

Well i think thats it. Alrighty~
Ja ne.
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