I feel good. I just went running and it's very early in the morning. This week has gone ok, even thought my camera broke, but a friend of mine is fixing it, I hope he can very soon :(. On sunday I went to a concert and I went to another one on thursday night. Yesterday I saw my ex in the street, from who I haven't had any news and my other friends saw like everyday, and it felt good. Just to see how he is. And today I ran into my almost-ex/friendwhohadthehotsformeanditwassofunny and I think he did not see me but it felt good. It's funny because these two guys were my entertainment for 2 years and last year they finished school so it's been pretty lonely in that sense.
I'm going to brazil in 17 days, but this was kind of a rehearse haha, on tuesday, we went trekking in this place called "Lenga", which is known for it's sea food, but I didn't know there was this amazing place called "Ramuncho" behind some hills. It is BEAUTIFUL. no words.