If you are still listening....

Feb 25, 2011 01:46

My apologies to all my Live Journal friends for my long absence.  Since signing on to Facebook, where I'm participating in a bunch of classical groups and pages, I seem to have totally abandoned my duties here.  And Denise guessed it, one can only have a secret boyfriend so long before one tires of it, at least that's true of me.  Valery Gergiev is still my very favorite conductor, but I've allowed others to spread the news about him because, for one, they do it much better!  and probably have a bit more fun doing it.  I'm still studying Russian and still long to visit St. Petersburg and Moscow, I will someday I know it!!!

I will delete this LJ at some point but I'll leave it open for now in case anyone wants to contact me.

Kelly Norman (valeryfan)
42644 Postiff, #69
Plymouth, MI  USA

(1) 734.355.3857 phone

8101* 734.355.3857 from Russia
0017343553857 from UK, I think,....

sirpaulfan@comcast.net  is my e-mail.  (No, I don't hold Sir Paul up to Gergiev's standards; I just didn't know about Gergiev when, long ago, I got that e-mail address)

Friend me on facebook!!!!
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