In a Mirror, Darkly: Chapter 24
Author: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Don, Charlie, Alan, David, Colby, Nikki, Billy Cooper
Rating: 15
Summary: There was a certain irony to the situation, that the brother who was a federal agent had been abducted to be used as leverage against the brother who was an applied
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And I totally think Radovic went upwards with the knife, to inflict more damage, because he had to go in below the vest initially.
Hmm... I just don't see that movement in the action sequence, do you?
You can actually buy anti-stab vests, which are what you're more likely to see being worn in the UK, because knife crime is more common than gun crime, unless the officers are firearms officers.
The FBI are definitely going to be wearing Kevlar though, which is not effective against knives. But if you look at the caps on r_morrow_daily from Hangman and look at any picture of Don in his Kevlar, I think it went under the vest and up. Or maybe in at the bottom of the vest and up, depending on where the vest ends.
Shame the scene is so damn dark, so you can't really tell!
(I work as a civilian for the police, so I have some knowledge on this subject)
I think I need to rewatch this episodes. Poor me.
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