In a Mirror, Darkly: Chapter 23
Author: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Don, Charlie, Alan, David, Colby, Nikki, Billy Cooper
Rating: 15
Summary: There was a certain irony to the situation, that the brother who was a federal agent had been abducted to be used as leverage against the brother who was an applied
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I was hoping people would like Billy's appearance. He's my second favorite character and I like to include him where I can. With a fugitive in the fic and the Don-Billy-Frazer brothers backstory, I figured now was a good opportunity to bring him in.
And, yeah, Don has more than a few issues and it's gonna be a long amd difficult road to recovery. But, yes, I do see Billy being there to help Don for most of it... starting with the macho stunt Don's gonna want to pull, and who better to help him but Billy?
Billy and Alan will have scenes together, but it'll be more head-to-head than heart-to-heart. The first one because of the shock of it all for Alan and the need to blame some (and hey, it is Fugitive Recovery related so who better to blame?) and the second... well he'll have his reasons for that. Read: macho stunt.
Ah, well, in this case I've yet to send the chapter to my two wonderful betas. Between the laptop problems and seeing all my friends and family here, I'm not getting as much writing done as normal. Since I'd already lost most of my lead at the end of August with all of the challenge fics, I'm not really ahead anymore.
But, yes, when I was, they got a lot of chapters really quickly and they've been wonderful about it.
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