Title: Of Collars, Leashes and Domesticated Canines
Family SecretsAuthor: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Don, Billy Cooper
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Don learns a little more about werewolves, much to Billy's frustration.
Note: Takes place between
Scented and
Family Secrets.
Spoilers: Man Hunt
Disclaimer: I do not
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Did you get the PM I sent you? Your cookie sparked the muse and she kidnapped me for just over a week. As a result, there will be a secondary side series to this one that's slash (and just when I'd decided not to do it!). But this one will remain gen.
It's all your fault.
I am trying very hard to be sorry, but it's just not working. *great big grin*
Well, I can tell you that you really threw my muse for a loop. She was totally, completely and utterly hijacked and simply refused to be distracted from her goal for any reason whatsoever.
In fact, the day it took hold, I wrote most of 17 drabbles and started 2 longer pieces in this new (and currently still nameless) series. I couldn't even convince her to let me type up The Other Side of Midnight or anything else I'd written on the flights to/from China.
Therefore: You. Are. A. Bad. Influence.
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