Oct 05, 2006 09:24
i have just discovered the awesome joys of eggy in a basket. for those of you who were cool enough to see v for vendetta, you know the food i'm talking about. on a whim i decided to try and make it this morning since i have the time on thursdays. i recommend that all of you out there do the same. absolutely worth the time!
on another note, i have a test today. one of my roomies i think is upset with me because it appears that i never study and she always is. instead she sees me goofing off playing video games or watching movies. you'd think this would reflect in my grades, however it does not. 2 midterms down so far and 2 a's under my belt. i did have a hard time convincing myself to study for this exam though because 1. i've put the most work into it out of any of my classes and 2. it's open notes. need i say more? anywho i dyed my hair again, only this time back to it's approximate natural color. i've decided to grow it out and go through the whole process of "well now that it's grown out, i can cut it again!"
this weekend should be fun too. carolin, rudy, brian and i are going to outback to celebrate carolin's braces coming off. saturday i have a phi sig event in my apartment to make carnival stuff, and sunday is my committee's event at the zoo. also, mi people are coming in on friday, and i'm gonna try to work them into my hectic schedule!