May 17, 2006 18:27
Ok. Tv is officially my enemy.
Scrubs: My guess is that JD and Kim didn't sleep together, and so of course JD will be very surpised to find out she is pregnant. I would guess she was pregnant all along, and just took a while ot bring up the courage to tell him. At least, this is the best scenario I can think of. I thought Kim was a really annoying character, and it was annoying how everyone but JD was already best buds with her. So I really don't like the thought that she might end up with JD. In fact, I don't even like the thought that he impregnanted her, even if she miscarries and they break up.
CW, The new network: If they go through with the current plan (renewing OTH and 7th Heaven, but NOT Everwood), then I will be very distraut. I mean, 7th Heaven advertised all season that this was the last season. They had a finale. It sucked, but they had it. I mean, part of me has a glimmer of hope that if they renew 7th Heaven, maybe they will ammend the egregious errors they made with the finale (apparently we ruined Martin and Ruthie's lives for no reason, because they would like us to believe that Sandy has just now discovered...OMG the baby is yours Simon!) But I mean really. I liked 7th heaven, but there was no comparison with Everwood. Everwood is like exactly the show I would create for myself to watch if I was talented at that sort of thing. It's perfect! But i swear, if they have to not resolve Andy/Nina or Ephram/Amy properly because they had absolutley no notice they were cancelled, I will be very unhappy.
[/end rant]
For now anyways.